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I woke up and my head was throbbing. I saw that I was in a white room and it blinded me once I opened my eyes.

"Ah, ow! My head," I said while trying to sit up.

"You're awake! I'll get the doctors in here! Baby, try not to move," Kate said while running out of the room to try and find a doctor.

I did as Kate said and I didn't move. I looked around the room and assumed that I was in a hospital. I don't know how long I have been in here for and I didn't know what happened to me. The last thing I remember was seeing Kate's beautiful smile and then I don't remember anything after that.

"How do you feel," the doctor asked while calmly stepping through the door.

"My head hurts but besides that I'm fine- ow!" I moved my arm a bit and felt a sharp pain go through my body.

"Oh wait here, don't move your arm. When you fell off of the horse, you fell and landed on your arm. Then, your head hit the ground and that is what made you blackout," the doctor said while grabbing my arm to take a look at it.

"How long have I been asleep for," I asked the doctor.

"Only about a few hours, you got here around 3:50 p.m. and now it is 7:30p.m." Said the kind doctor. "You will have to stay here overnight just so we can keep an eye on you. You have a concussion and a broken arm but with a lot of rest, you should have a full recovery. Do you have any questions?"

"Uh- I don't think so," I said while looking at Kate for reassurance. She looked back at me with a slight smile and her puffy eyes from crying. I felt so bad for putting Kate through all of these different emotions in the past few days.

"Ok, we'll have a nurse check on you in a few hours and in the middle of the night. Press the button if you need anything," he said while pointing to a button on the remote.

"Ok, thank you for all of your help," I said while giving him a smile.

"Of course," he said while walking out of the room.

I looked towards Kate and immediately burst into tears. I don't know why I did but I just needed to cry. I needed to let all of these emotions out. Kate came over to hug me and I saw tears starting to roll down her face. I just needed Kate to stick by my side.

"C-can you stay here tonight," I asked Kate while still crying.

"Of course I can," Kate said while wiping the tears off of my face. "I already told my parents and AJ. They said it was best if we start to head home tomorrow night so my parents can help."

"What happened to me," I asked Kate while starting to settle down.

"Baby, you asked me if I liked riding and the next thing I knew I saw you laying on the ground. You looked like you were in so much pain. I felt like I was going to lose you," Kate said while starting to make me cry again. "I jumped off of Knight and ran right to you. I picked you up in my arms and ran straight to the car. I laid you down in the backseat while speeding to the hospital. I ran in the hospital screaming that my girlfriend was unconscious in the car and nurses ran out right away to help. My eyes were all blurry and I couldn't see a whole lot. All I could see was my tears."

Kate hugged me tighter and I started to rub her back to try and soothe her. After a while we both finally calmed down and I was a bit hungry. Kate said that she would go and get stuff from the cabin and get me some food. Kate left at around 8p.m. and I was just sitting on the bed while watching some TV. After a while I felt my headache kick back in and then the nurse came in to give me some medicine. I took it right away and headed straight to sleep.


I woke up by Kate nudging my shoulder.

"I normally wouldn't wake up but you really need to eat darling," Kate said while putting the food on the side table.

"Mh~ fine," I said while sitting up to see what Kate got me. I grabbed the brown paper bag to see that she got me Wendy's.

Wendy's is probably one of my favorite fast food restaurants. I love their chicken nuggets and I love to dip the fries into the frosty. I was so grateful to have Kate by my side.

"Thank you," I whispered, hoping Kate would still hear it.

"Of course baby," Kate said while sitting down on the end of the bed.

I looked up at the clock to see it read 10:56 p.m. I was surprised that Kate was gone for so long but I decided not to question it. She could have been packing up stuff so I wouldn't have to help with my arm.

I started eating my food as Kate sat at the end of the bed watching the TV. I didn't eat too much but at least it was better than nothing. I offered the rest of the food to Kate and she said she would finish it. Right before I was about to doze off again, the nurse came into the room. She gave me more medicine and then quickly left the room.


"Yeah," I said, confused that she used my first name.

"Can I sleep with you," she asked.

"Ew no, girls have cooties," I said while laughing at myself.

"Funny," Kate said while laughing and climbing into the bed.

I soon drifted off to sleep while Kate was holding me in her arms.

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