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I felt Kate starting to wake me up by tapping on my shoulder.

"Aleah. Aleah," Kate said. "It's time to get up."

"Mhmm~ not yet," I said while I was still half asleep.

"We are going to go to the drive-in movie," Kate said while pulling the blanket off of my warm body.

"Ahhh! No! It's cold," I shouted because I wasn't prepared for the cold.

"We got to leave now darling!"

That nickname caught my attention and I slowly started to get up. I did feel bad for sleeping for the entire day but last night was rough.

"Before we go you need to drink and eat something, you haven't eaten in about forever," Kate said with a worried look on her face.

"Mkay, I'll eat in a little bit," I said while going to the bathroom.

Kate went out of the room and to the kitchen. I walked to the bathroom because I really needed to pee. I haven't used the bathroom in like 24 hours so I really needed to go.

Once I got out, Kate was standing there with a bowl of mac & cheese, a glass of water, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She had a bright smile on her face and I gave a smile back. Kate looked so proud of herself and it made me melt inside.

"Thank you," I said with a bright smile.

"Of course, it's no problem! I want to make sure you are ok!"

I hurried up and devoured my dinner within the matter of minutes. Once I was done, we got into the car and headed to Walmart to get some candy.

"Can you play the playlist," Kate asked me while she handed me her phone.

"Mhm!" I typed in Kate's password and went to Spotify. I saw the two playlists again, 'car rides:)' and 'Aleah'. I held my finger over the 'car rides:)' playlist, debating on if I should play this one. I quickly moved my finger over to the other playlist and clicked on it. The first song started to play and I think Kate caught on. Kate looked at me quickly then looked away and blushed. For the rest of the car ride I was paying attention to the song lyrics while Kate seemed to not move a muscle.

Once we arrived at Walmart, Kate got out of the car and started to walk inside. I told Kate to just grab me a few sweets because I didn't really feel like walking in.

I started to doze off again before I felt the car door open.

"There is no way you could be sleeping again," Kate said with a giggle and putting the candy on my lap.

"I'm so tired," I said in a sleepy voice.

"We'll wake up! We are about to go and watch a horror movie!"

"A- a what," I said with a worried look.

"It's ok, it's not really that scary, I promise," Kate said to me while she stepped into the car and started the engine.

I do not like horror movies at all. They make me feel the same exact way that thunderstorms make me feel. I don't really want to watch the movie, even though I have no clue what it is about. I hate watching people die in a gruesome way as they are in great fear. I just think about how that could happen to a real person and it makes me sick. I guess I will just push through because Kate wants to watch it.

About 15 minutes later, we arrived at the drive-in and I felt my stomach drop. Kate parked the car so the trunk was facing the big screen. Kate got out of the car and set up the chairs and blankets while I got the sweets.

Kate put both of the chairs close together because we had the blanket on the other side of the chairs. We both sat down in the chair as we nervously waited for the movie to start. Kate was eating some sour patch kids and I was too nervous to eat anything.

"We can leave if you want to. I don't want to force you to watch the movie," Kate said to me as she realized how scared I was.

"No, no it's ok I promise," I said while trying to hide my nerves.

"Are you sure darling?"

"I-uh yes," I said while stuttering because I didn't expect the nickname.

Kate was about to say something but then the movie started to play. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the long hour and half ahead.

I tried to not focus on the movie too much but I did catch some of the main details. This angry woman was killed by her husband in the haunted house. The woman ended up haunting the house because she wanted revenge on her husband. A new young woman bought the house and it turned out to be the grandchild of the husband.

Then there was a jump scare. I screamed and hugged Kate's arm.

"I-i wanna go home please."

"Yes, yes I'll pack everything up right now," Kate said with a worried look on her face.

I got into the car and cuddled my blanket. Kate hurried up and packed the car and we started to drive home. I held Kate's hand on the way home because I was trembling. Once we arrived home I was already 'asleep' . I may or may not have been fake sleeping just to get Kate to carry me inside. I felt her pick me up and carry me inside to the bedroom. She laid me down and tucked me into bed. She changed herself and got into bed with me.

I felt her hand grab my waist to pull me closer and then I heard her say something.

"I love you Aleah."

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