Rita Fucking Skeeter

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Three months. It seemed like a lifetime and yet no time at all. It was exactly three months to the day until the wedding. Bella wasn't entirely sure how all of the wedding plans were going. She knew the date and that it would be held in the ballroom at Black Manor. Hermione insisted that they get married inside because the summer weather and humidity would be a nightmare for her hair and the dark witch didn't particularly care about anything besides the colors and that she could plan the honeymoon. Today was the day that they were getting fitted for their wedding outfits. Hermione of course wanted to wear a traditional wedding gown but not the dark witch. "I'm anything but traditional, pet," she had said when she announced she wouldn't be wearing a dress at this wedding. One ungodly wedding dress was enough for her in this lifetime and the next. She wanted to wear something that would turn Hermione's head. That meant trousers. Bella was currently sitting in a spare room upstairs while the fitters were fitting Teddy for his dark green tux. She still couldn't believe she talked Hermione into having green, black and gold as their wedding scheme. In the end, Hermione agreed because it went with the manor. The first small victory Bella had. She laughed to herself thinking back to the conversation regarding the upcoming honeymoon.

Bella was pacing around the library quietly laughing to herself, "you are joking right?"

"Of course not," Hermione almost sounded offended at how amusing her fiancé found her suggestion.

"Me," Bella stopped and pointed to herself, "Bellatrix Druella Black, heiress of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, going on holiday in America?" She said laughing again, clutching her stomach from the overuse of her laughing muscles. "That's golden, pet. Really."

"It wasn't a joke," Hermione crossed her arms over her chest, "and just what is wrong with going to America?"

"America is hardly the romantic holiday getaway one assumes one would take for a honeymoon, pet." Bella rolled her eyes and crossed her arms to match her lover's. "I'm not honeymooning there and that's that."

"That's that?" Hermione parroted back, coming to stand directly in front of Bella and the older witch nodded not dropping her stance. "Then where do you suggest we go?" The darkened expression couldn't be missed by the younger witch. She slowly felt herself being pushed backwards, step by step, until she felt herself collide with a wall of books. Hermione visibly gulped, "Bella?" It came out high pitched and breathy.

"Hmm?" The dark witch replied without breaking eye contact, "what is it?"

"Where would you like to go on our honeymoon?" She asked again, a little softer trying to control the pitch of her voice. It wasn't working since her lover was currently pressing a leg between her own thighs giving her a delicious amount of pressure. She gasped slightly when Bella trailed one fingernail down the column of her throat.

Bella smirked and a deep chuckle came out before leaning in, stopping just at Hermione's ear, "anywhere there is a soft and sturdy bed. You'll be lucky if you are able to move when I get finished fucking you as my newly wed wife." She reached up while cupping Hermione's chin and turned her head to the side, she licked from her ear down her throat to her collarbone where she sucked greedily on the exposed flesh she found peeking out of Hermione's dress shirt.

The brunette trembled in the embrace and slowly started nodding her head, "you pick the destination," she breathed out. "I don't care where we go as long as you fuck me right here against the bookshelf."

"As you wish," Bella pulled back and smirked before she brought their lips together in a toe curling kiss. Growling into the kiss, Bella wasted no time licking her lover's lip and exploring the other girl's mouth. Her tongue slid hungerly against Hermione's while she responded with an equal amount of vigor. Hands were buried in dark curls, holding her still and engaged in the kiss. Bella pulled on Hermione's lower lip, sucking it into her mouth needing to feel a part of her lover inside of her. The little gasp the brunette let escape had her hands on the move. One wrapped around the back of her neck, holding her still as her lips trailed a path across her jawline while the other hand slid down the side of Hermione's body running under her thigh and wrapping it around her own body. She pressed her body weight into her lover, causing the bookshelf to shake slightly. "Fuck," Bella moaned into Hermione's neck when she felt her lover grinding against her abdomen. The muggle jeans had always been a turn on for the dark witch. Immediately access to the goods with a pop of a button. Securing her leg, Bella's hands worked and pulled the dress shirt out of those damnable jeans, unbuttoning each button as patiently as she could. She opened the shirt up, revealing a very sexy white lacy bra with already excited and hard nipples. The shirt fell from bronzed shoulders and lay forgotten on the floor. Bella pulled back and looked at her lover. Hermione's head was thrown back against the bookshelf, her chest was heaving, hair falling out of her bun, eyes closed while grinding her center as hard as she could from her current angle. "You are quite the vision when you are in the throes of passion, pet."

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