And the New Minister for Magic is...

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"I'm going to vomit," Hermione said as she paced back and forth in the sitting room of Black Manor wringing her wrists trying to take deep breaths. Today was the day she had been working towards since her accident. The new Minister for Magic was being selected this afternoon in front of the Wizengamot and to say that she was nervous was an understatement. If she lost, her life would go on as usual, she was getting married to the love of her life in a week but she would be extremely disappointed. Rejection wasn't new to Hermione but it also wasn't something she was fond of experiencing. Her nerves were getting to her as the days leading up to the election approached and today she felt like she might pass out. "I'm going to vomit," she repeated, stopping her movements and looking at the women sitting in the parlor chairs watching her. "This whole thing was a mistake," she started pacing again.

"Love," the eldest Black sister said, "you need to relax. You are going to leave pace marks on the floor if you keep this up." Hermione shot her a glare and she retracted, "now is not the time for jokes," she turned to look at her sister, "stop making jokes."

"Me?" Andy held her hand up to her chest, "I haven't said a bloody thing all morning." She looked at her sister, "best behavior as always dear sister. Hermione, sweetheart," the brunette stopped pacing to look at the sisters, "it's going to be fine. The hospital is ready and amazing. You have so much love and support in the Wizengamot seats. I won't say that this is in the bag but," she smiled and shrugged.

"As much as I hate to admit it," Bella scoffed, "she's right, pet. You've worked so hard on this campaign. Skeeter, Malfoy and Dolohov aside, this is yours to win."

"I don't know," she sighed and sat down next to her fiancé, her face buried in her hands. "I'm just so afraid of failure. If I lose, I will fixate on it forever. What could I have done differently? Why didn't they like me? Is it because I'm muggleborn? What couldn't I offer the people of the Wizarding World?"

"Hermione," Bella put her finger under her chin and lifted Hermione's head until they met eyes. "You are worrying about the what ifs. I know what it's like to feel like a failure. I also know with my entire being that you don't have anything to worry about. If I didn't think you had this in you, I would've been honest with you from the start. I've been around a long time, pet. No minister has ever had the passion, drive, intelligence and understanding that you can bring to the people. Pure bloods, half bloods, muggleborns... hell even the muggles will be lucky to have you as their Minister for Magic." Hermione's cheeks blushed and she tried to turn her head but Bell stopped her, looking deeper into her eyes. "You've got this. Everyone is pulling for you. Don't let Skeeter's articles get in your head. If something unexpected happens and that asshole gets elected, I'll burn the ministry down," she smirked.

"Why do I feel like that isn't a joke?" She wiped a stray tear that had escaped during Bella's speech.

"Because our Lord would never fail us," Andy smirked.

"Andromeda," Bella warned, "do yourself a favor an add something constructive or fuck off." 

"She's right Hermione," Andy saw Bella nod, "they'd be stupid not to elect you. Just look at what you've managed to accomplish with Mungos in less than a year's time. The Wizarding World needs your drive and ingenuity." Hermione managed a small smile, "plus," Andy's smile turned menacing, "I plan to punch Skeeter whether you get elected or not but if it doesn't go your way, I'll help Bella burn the place down."

"Please don't burn anything down on my behalf," Hermione tried to suppress her laugh.

"Oh no," Bella shook her head, "if there is a need for arson, I'm not going to stifle it."

"Fair enough," Hermione shrugged.

"That's my girl," Bella pulled her in and kissed her forehead. "Now, put your suit on and get ready, we have to leave in like twenty minutes. Can't be late. Surely that's frowned on."

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