Bella's Burger Bitch

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Bellatrix Black came storming out of the bedroom and down the long winding staircase with her wife following closely behind her. "You want me to do what now?" She turned around on the stairs and looked at Hermione.

The brunette gave her a sickeningly sweet smile, "it's called an anatomy scan, my love."

Bella rolled her eyes and turned around heading back down the stairs, "no, absolutely not. I refuse."

"But why?" Hermione was following close on her wife's heels as they rounded the dining room and through to the kitchens. It was around the time of day that Bella and her bump demanded a between meals snack. "Don't you want to find out what sex our baby is?"

Bella flung both doors to the fridge wide open and crossed her arms, clearly looking for something specific. "I don't need a scan to tell me that this," she pointed to her visible baby bump. She was nearing the 20 week mark and half way through her pregnancy, she was finally starting to show. Hermione didn't think it was possible to love her wife more until she caught the tender secret moments when Bella would be talking to the baby. It warmed her even when her wife was being stubborn.  "This baby that I'm carrying is very much a girl. She is already a fucking pain in my ass every damn day." She hissed when a sharp kick landed just below her ribs. "Easy Junior. I'm finding it," she rustled through the fridge until she uncovered the burgers that she had Twiggy make when she asked for them. "If Bella Junior isn't a girl," she put her food on a plate and warmed it up using magic. She took a bite of her delicious snack and moaned at the taste, "then I'll give you a million galleons."

Bella held out the burger and Hermione took a tentative bite, "it won't hurt you to have the scan, you know?"

"Oh but it will, pet." Bella picked up her plate and walked into the library, her wife following closely behind her still trying to plead her case. "Whatever happened to the element of surprise? You know there are wizard tests to find out the sex and Cissy had been hounding me for weeks about this particular subject and I've told her the same thing that I'm telling you which is no. Cissy is rather insufferable without her girlfriend around. Quite unfortunate for me," she took another delicious bite. "My point is whatever happened to the element of surprise? When little Bella Junior comes out and she's a girl everyone can rejoice in the fact that I was once again right."


"Or if the spawn is a boy... which is less than a 1% chance, you can collect your million galleons."

Bella sat happily eating the rest of her burger and Hermione knew that there was no way her wife would ever agree to be scanned by muggles if she turned her own sister down with the magical approach. Sometimes it was better to just know when to give up. There was something though that she wasn't going to just let go of and smirked looking over at the love of her life happily eating her newly found favorite food. "We aren't naming her Bella Junior."

"We shall see," Bella shrugged.

"Oh I already know."

Bella cackled, "agree to disagree then but when she comes out of me, her name will be Bella Junior."

"We shall see indeed," Hermione rolled her eyes and accioed her book.

"You love me," Bella finished up her plate and cast it to the side, resting against the side of the couch and putting her feet on the brunette's lap.

A small smile graced Hermione's lips, "I do," she said as she reached down with her right hand and started to massage one of Bella's stocking clad feet.

Bella let out a low moan when Hermione hit a particularly sensitive spot on her foot, "pet," she said with a little hint of something in her voice.

Hermione bit her lip because she knew it was easier than usual to get Bella going since she hit her second trimester. She was horny all the time and Hermione was reaping the benefits. "Does that feel good?"

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