Jack Granger's Famous Cookout

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51 years of life, decades of service as one of the most prominent and feared death eaters, 14 years spent in azkaban, an abusive upbringing, indentured servitude to the ministry, working under Harry Potter, marrying a muggleborn, these were all notable moments in Bellatrix Black's life however the past eleven weeks had been the worst form of torture she could ever had envisioned for herself. Well not all eleven weeks because for awhile there she didn't even know she was pregnant but as soon as she was made aware, it was like a light bulb went off and all of those dreaded pregnancy symptoms hit her like a speeding newborn hippogriff. "Why me?" came the muffled question one evening while the pair had been getting ready for bed. "I thought morning sickness was meant to be had in the morning. Both of its mothers were the smartest witches of their respective ages. I surely would expect this fetus to know the difference between morning and night." Bella hung her head back into the bowl and expelled more of her stomach's contents.

"Please, don't call our baby it," Hermione came up behind her wife and tied her curls back with a hair band. "I think morning sickness is just what it's called but it can happen anytime throughout the course of the day."

Bella sat back against the cold wall opposite the toilet and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand, "brilliant." She brought her knees up to her chest and rested her head against the tiles.

Hermione walked over and draped a cold washcloth against the back of Bella's neck. "One more week left of the first trimester."

"And this is good news?"

"Well," Hermione tried to sound as cheerful as possible. "The chance of morning sickness decreases dramatically after the mother enters the second trimester."

"So else what happens in the second phase of hell?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at Bella's lack of tact when talking about her pregnancy, "quite a few things, actually. Have you not read that pregnancy book I bought you?"

Bella glared at her wife. Normally she appreciated every little thing Hermione gifted her but her patience has been worn thin the past few weeks. "Forgive me but with all the nausea I haven't had time. Enlighten me, please."

"You should start to feel the baby moving in the next trimester. Your appetite should come back. You may," Hermione thought for a moment of the best way to say it, "you may become hornier than usual."

"Horny you say?" Bella perked up a little. "That's a side effect I may be willing to cope with."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "of course it is," she chuckled. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes. Quite," Bella slowly stood up, "I think Junior has expelled everything from my stomach for one days time." She walked over to the sink, washed her face and brushed her teeth. "I'm exhausted."

"Well you are growing an entire other person inside of you."

Bella grimaced, "ew. Don't say it like that."

"Well you are," Hermione huffed as she pulled back the duvet on Bella's side, getting the bed ready for her wife.

"I know," Bella sat down on the bed where Hermione had pulled back the covers. "But that doesn't mean I need a reminder of how everything is working in there."

"Insufferable," Hermione sighed as she walked over to her side of the bed.

Bella had moved under the covers and was propped up against the headboard. She was wearing her glasses and reading a muggle
horror book that Jack had lent to her. She felt her wife staring at her, "why are you looking at me like that?"

"I have something to tell you and I'm not sure you are going to be too keen on it."

Bella put her book down and looked over the top of her glasses, "well let's have it then."

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