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July 27, 2007

"Now where could that silly little girl be," Jack Granger was walking through the living room of his house, smiling at his wife, Katherine. "I can't seem to be able to find Cassiopeia anywhere. Have you seen her?" He held his finger up to his lips.

She gave her husband a knowing smile, "I don't know, Pap Pap. Maybe she went home."

They heard a little giggle from across the room. She had been staying with her grandparents for the last day and a half. Hermione had called her parents to let them know she was being induced on the morning of the 27th and needed someone to watch Cass. Andy volunteered but they needed her to be able to apparate The Grangers to St. Mungos when the time came. Jack and Katherine never overlooked an opportunity to spoil their granddaughter. Their first born was about to become a sibling and they wanted to soak up all the extra snuggle time as possible. Now 17 months old, Cassiopeia proved to be a little handful. She was mischievous in the best way but still required a certain amount of cuddles. They had been getting ready for Andy to pick them up for the hospital when Cass decided to have an impromptu game of hide and go seek. Another little giggle erupted from over by the television set.

"You have to be right. She must have gone home," another giggle came. "What a shame. I was just about ready to get out the ice lollies. You know the blue ones Cass loves so much."

After a fifth little giggle there was a knock at the door, "it must be Andromeda," Katherine quickly answered the door. "Is the baby here?!"

"No hello?" Andy clutched her chest in a feigned heart ache. "Hermione had Bella kick all of us out of the room. But I'm almost positive baby number 2 has arrived."

"I guess it's just going to be me and Katherine joining you, Andy. Seems Cassiopeia went home."

"Don't let Bella know. She will rip your heart right out," she responded before she picked up on the jovial tone. He shook his head and pointed over to the small white door of the cabinet that was under the television. "You say you can't find Cass anywhere?" She walked over towards the cabinet, loudly pretending to look for the girl when another little giggle was heard. "I guess I'll just have to take back this new stuffed dragon I got for her," Andy said, pulling the stuffed animal out of her pocket and enlarging it. The giggling stopped at the mention of a new toy, "and her mummy was so looking forward to showing her the new baby."

"Baby?" The door swung open, banging off of the cabinet. "Me see mummy, now."

"Cass," Jack pretended to be startled, "we thought you went home. You were hiding in there all along?"

Cass giggled and ran over to her granddad, wrapping her arms around his legs, "mummy?" She looked up at him with the biggest eyes she could muster.

"Yes," he smiled and picked her up, "let's go see mummy."

"This girl has everyone wrapped around her little finger," Andy laughed, pinching Cass's cheek, handing her the stuffed dragon. "Me included. Ready to meet the baby?" She kissed her niece on the forehead.

"No," she scowled, "me see mummy."

"Mum mum is having the baby and all she cares about is mummy," Andy rolled her eyes. "Bella has infiltrated this kid," she tickled Cass's chin.

"She was asking for Hermione as well this morning," Katherine assured Andy. "She really missed her morning time with Bella. Pap Pap Jack just didn't cut it with story time."

"Oh I've peeked in on story time. Bella does all the voices."

"I tried my best but my big bad wolf just wasn't up to par with Bella," Jack laughed. "Shall we?"

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