A Favor for Bella

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April came and went faster than anyone wanted to admit. Teddy just turned 7 years old and had a big celebration. Unlike his birthday last year, he spent it with his family and loved ones instead of being held captive by a psychopathic woman who wanted to murder his aunt. Teddy chose a Quidditch themed birthday party including a scrimmage game. The scrimmage only caused two small superficial fights between Andy and Bella and they kept their cool since it was after all Teddy's big day. "We really need to ban quidditch games around here," Hermione had said after the party guests had left and Bella laughed the sentiment off. "What's family fun without a little unforgivable curse, pet?" The wedding planning was in full swing and with it so was the race for minister. Hermione had been on edge for the past four weeks and Bella was doing her best to stay out of the brunette's way, offering help when she could but mostly giving Hermione the reins and not interfering. She knew better than to step in Hermione's way when she was in her tunnel vision mode. Hermione basically told Bella as long as she had practiced her vows and showed up then she would take care of the rest. "Practice? What does that entail?" She mistakenly asked, causing Hermione to go off on a 45 minute rant about the proper way to prepare vows and how it was the most important part of the ceremony. Bella made her way out of that conversation as quickly and painlessly as possible. Maybe getting married so soon after the new Minister was announced was poor planning on their part but Bella wasn't exactly known for her perfect planning skills. "It'll all work itself, pet," she assured her fiancé on an almost daily basis.

After her visit with Luna and Junior Superior Weasley, Bella spent many nights awake thinking about children, specifically her and Hermione's potential children. She just assumed that kids weren't in the mix for her and she was okay with that but now with the possibility of a future and a family, Bella had a lot to think about. She hadn't talked further with her fiancé since that night after her trip to Luna's but she felt that they were on the same page. Bella wasn't worried about the process. She knew just the person who could whip up a discreet conception potion for them. She picked up her phone and dialed her baby sister.

"What is it Bella?"

"Well hello to you too my dearest baby sister."

"I'm at work. I don't have time for idle conversation," the blonde sighed. "Fine. Hello Bella. How are you?"

"I'm at work Cissy. I don't have time for small talk," she cackled.

"You are insufferable at best. What can I do for you?"

Bella swore she could hear her sister's eyes roll. "I need a favor. It has to be discreet though. Is Andy there?"

"No. She's out this morning for something at Teddy's school. She'll be back after lunch."

"And the other one?"

"If by the other one you are referencing Aviya, my girlfriend, then no. She's not working today and also that's very rude of you."

Bella shrugged, "what did you expect?"

"Do you want my help or not?"

"Yes, of course. I wouldn't have called if I didn't need help from the best potions master I know."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, can you come by now?"

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes or so. I just have to yell at Kate and Draco to keep them on their toes. I've been too soft on them lately."

"Don't be too hard on Draco, you know he's sensitive."

Bella laughed, "that's what makes it so fun. See you soon."  She hung up the phone and made her way out of her office. "All right kids, good news," she stated as she entered the main DMLE office.

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