Baby's First Broom Ride

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Bella stood gobsmacked in the middle of St. Mungo's potion lab. If this wasn't an ultimatum she didn't know what was. This woman had the gall to ask a favor for a favor. Did she not know who she was dealing with? Nobody asked favors of Bellatrix Druella Black heiress to the Noble and most Ancient house of Black. She thought it was going to be simple. She would go in and request Ms. Hart to make this special conception potion for her. Maybe pay her, maybe threaten her a little but she turned out to be friskier than Bella had expected.

"You brew this potion for me with your silence and I'll pay you for your services. Name your price. Money isn't an option."

Aviya just smiled back at the dark witch only infuriating her more, "I don't want money."

"Fine," Bella said through gritted teeth. "I'll be nice to you for the rest of the year. Best pals with Bella. It's a win/win."

Aviya actually laughed at that offer, "I don't want that either. I like you being mean to me. It reminds me of my sisters back home."

Bella stared at the woman dumbfounded, "you don't want my money. Fine," she shrugged that off. "You don't want me to be nice to you. Strange but also fine." She narrowed her eyes, closing the distance between them in an attempt to ruffle Aviya's feathers. "What the fuck do you want from me, girl?"

Aviya's smile turned into a wicked grin, "I'll brew the potion for you. No questions asked. You can even ask Cissy to brew you a potion and just drink mine when the time comes. She'll never learn the truth."

"What's the price?"

Aviya smiled a sickeningly sweet smile, "I want to ask your sister to marry me and I want your full blessing and support."

She wasn't sure how long she stood there unmoving but she was moments away from smacking that smirk off of the younger woman's face. "I'm sorry. I must have misheard you. You want to do what?"

"Marry your sister," she said unfazed.

Bella pinched the bridge of her nose, "let me get this straight." She started pacing back and forth in front of a very smug looking girl. "You," she pointed to her, "Aviya Hart of no noble lineage and not even of London." She stopped to see if Aviya would correct her, "want to marry my sister. Pure blood witch, Narcissa Anastasia Black of the noble and most ancient house of black? And most shockingly of all... you want me to give you my full blessing and support as you embark on this insane path?"


"And they call me mad," Bella stopped pacing. This can't be happening. Not to Bella at least. She needed that potion and she needed it from Aviya. The audacity this girl had to proposition her was beyond the dark witch. "You know black mail is illegal. Forcing me to go along with this for a potion is insane."

"You could have Cissy make another potion for you."

"Were you not listening earlier? I can't ask her. I refuse to carry another spawn. If you forgot, let me
remind you. I almost died."

"Would I really be the worst choice for Narcissa?" The vulnerability in her voice made Bella slightly uncomfortable. "I love your sister, more than anything. I would be honored to be part of your family. Yes," she stopped the older woman from interjecting. "I'm not from London. I'm also not of pure blood descent but where I come from that doesn't matter. I would do anything for your sister and I plan to ask her whether you give me your blessing or not. I just thought this would be a good way to come to an understanding."

"An understanding?" Bella crossed her arms over her chest. "In all of my years, nobody has had the guts to stand up to me like you do." She saw a smile cross the younger witch's face. "That wasn't necessarily a compliment. Let's get something straight. I don't think anyone is good enough for either of my sisters no matter how noble their intentions are."

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