Eviction Day

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Draco and Kate sat inside the Leaky Cauldron like they did every Friday since coming up with the bait plan. This time was different though. This time Kandi was perched at the bar with her hidden muggle earpiece waiting for Draco or Kate to give her the sign to make her move. They were tasked with looking for members of the sacred 28 or ministry workers that should've been at work. Currently, the day wasn't going any better than the rest of them had so far. The hope that today would be the day was fast dwindling and Kate felt the wind leaving her sails yet again.

"This is the most frustrating task I've ever been assigned," Kate took a bite of her fish.

"I mean," Draco reached for a chip off of her plate. "It could be worse. We could be stuck at the office or playing burger bitch today. At least we have a task albeit a boring task but it's still a task."

"I suppose you have a point," she eyed him, taking another chip. "You know when I asked you if you wanted to eat and you said no thank you? That didn't mean let me buy a plate and you can eat all of it."

Draco's smirk held an infuriating resemblance to his aunt, "if I wasn't welcomed to share you would've stabbed me with your fork ten minutes ago. Face it, you are my hufflebuddy and hufflepuffs love to share."

"Hufflebuddy? Are you actually joking?"

"I didn't get to find my Hufflepuff companion during my school years. It's refreshing to have you now so I can mooch off of your fish and chips at my leisure," he gave her a cheeky smile before stealing a bite of fish.

Kate swatted at his hand, "chips only. Touch the fish again and you lose a finger."


"Guys?" Kate and Draco both heard in their earpieces. "What about him? 7 o'clock by the door. He definitely doesn't look like he belongs."

"Give us a few minutes. Don't talk to anyone yet," Draco called back to her. "You see him?"

"Not yet," Kate and Draco were sitting in the back corner away from sight so the perp wouldn't be able to see them. "Oh shit," Kate dropped her fork. "There's no way. This person's poly juice is just getting ridiculous."

"Is that Arthur Weasley?" Draco whispered.

"He is definitely at work and definitely not a murderer. His wife would kill him."

"Do you have his number?" Draco asked Kate.

"I think I have at least one of the Weasleys in here," she pulled out her phone and started scrawling. "George but it's better than nothing." She shot George a quick message asking him to see if his dad was working today and that she would explain at a later date. "Now we wait for George."

They watched as Arthur walked up to the counter and ordered a drink then slowly made his way to a booth near them. They saw the way he looked Kandi up and down as he walked by her. She smiled at him and watched him walk away. Kate tried to hide a snort of laughter. "Shh," Draco admonished her. "Just because we know it isn't him doesn't mean we should laugh."

"Come on," she threw a chip at her partner. "Arthur Weasley stepping out on Molly and making eyes at a prostitute..."

"Reformed prostitute," Draco corrected her.

"Reformed prostitute is funny and you know it," they laughed quietly and waited as Kate's phone lit up with a message. "It's from George. He said he just popped into his dad's floo and he's at work. He also said he wants the full story later and to spare no details. Then he sent a rude joke. He must be desperate for entertainment."

"Kandi?" Draco spoke into his microphone. "That's him. Don't make any movements yet. Let him get at least one drink down so we have him inhibited. Plus the longer we hold out, the faster his poly juice will wear off after we have him subdued."

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