The Morgue

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Andromeda paced outside of Minerva McGonagall's office for 15 minutes. She had been practicing what to say for over a week at this point and she just about worked up the nerve to approach the headmistress and request her leave from her post. It was April so there were only two months of school to go and she felt that being there since September was enough to get the muggle/magical hospital wing off of the ground. She was certain that Madam Pomfrey was now even comfortable with the muggle doctors. "Rip off the bandaid, Andromeda. Blacks are cowards," she took another small lap in front of the giant golden cat statue. "Transfiguration," she called out and the cat started turning to reveal spiral steps leading up to the hidden headmistress office.

When she finally made it to the top step she heard the older woman call out with a hint of amusement in her voice, "finally worked up the courage to come see me? Have a seat, Andy. Tea?" She asked when the middle Black sister took a seat opposite her. She conjured up a second tea cup and poured two servings.

"Yes please, thank you Headmistress McGonagall."

Minerva smirked, "so formal. You can call me Minerva. We've known each other a long time."

Andy took her cup, adding a few spoonfuls of sugar and a splash of milk, "thank you, Minerva."

"This reminds me of a few times your sister came into my office when she had something to ask me regarding Hermione a few years ago. I'm guessing your ask is much different. What can I do for you, Andy?"

"So," Andy took a sip of her beverage, " I've been here since September."

"I'm aware. Go on."

"The hospital collaboration is finally up and off the ground. Madam Promfrey seems comfortable," she thought about it for a minute, "well more comfortable with the muggle doctors in her space now. Teddy's turning 8 at the end of the month." She took another sip from her tea, watching the older witch while trying to gauge her reaction. "Cass is almost four months old now. I feel like I'm missing out on everything with the kids. I miss my grandson and my niece is almost an adult. Minerva, I'm ready to go home. I'm asking for you to release me of my commitment here at Hogwarts. I feel like I've paid my dues and I'm ready to go be with my family."

Minerva sat back, sipping from her own tea cup, "you have gone above and beyond what I've asked of you with this hospital collaboration. I'm quite impressed with the work you've managed to do in 8 months. I also understand how hard it is to be away from family." She noticed the raise in Andy's eyebrows. "I'm willing to let you go." Andy was about to speak up when Minerva held out her hand, "on one condition."

"I'm almost afraid to ask..."

"When you leave you have to take Ms. Hart with you. I know she means well and she's very enthusiastic but Poppy is about four days away from stabbing her in her sleep."

"Aviya is the type of woman to grow on someone," Andy cackled. "I'll take her with me. I'm sure Cissy misses her."

"Thank you for your time and commitment to this project. I'm sure it wouldn't have been successful without all of your hard work. I've learned to only expect the best from the sisters Black and I am never disappointed in the quality of work you provide. Your salary will be put in your vault at Gringotts for your immediate access and let Ms. Hart know that since she doesn't have a vault at Gringotts, hers will be put in Narcissa's vault."

"Thank you, Minerva. I'm always available to assist in anyway I can but I refuse to come back until Teddy is a student here," she sat back and the two continued their conversation over a few cups of tea and biscuits.

After Andy left the headmistress's office she went straight to Aviya and gave her the goodness that they were released from their duties at the school. Aviya seemed almost disappointed. She actually liked the school, the students and professors, the elves and everything Hogwarts had to offer that she never got to experience. Aviya's favorite part was when she convinced Minerva to let her take the sorting hat for a test drive and she was sorted immediately into Gryffindor. When Andy sent the note home to Bella, her older sister just sent back a howler of her cackling for five minutes. Andy and Aviya packed up the contents of their respective rooms, shrunk their trunks down and headed back to Black Manor via the floo network in the headmistress's office. "Honeys we are home," Andy called out when she exited the floo.

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