Kings of Jotunheim

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-Y/n and loki arent related
-Mild cursing
-Self Hatred
Y/n pronouns: He/Him
Loki pronouns: He/Him

When Loki and the others got back from the fight in Jotunheim Loki went straight to his room not speaking to anyone not even his bestest of friend, Y/n. Y/n could tell Loki had found out something big but he couldnt exactly say anything about why, he should of been happy, after all those years of fearful stories shouldn't he hate the jotun race like all of asgard? Or did he pitty them? Whatever his reason, Y/n couldnt let his Loki be alone.

After walking to Lokis room

"Mr.SilverTongue you in there?" Loki didnt answer to Y/n immediately but eventually Loki let him in "Please do not touch me right now, just tell me what you want and then respectfully get the hell out" Y/n gasped at Lokis language and pushed passed Lokis tall figure entering his bedroom "You know better than to curse at me" Y/n huffed as he sat on the bed looking at Loki. Loki hung his head down in defeat slowly turning blue infront of Y/n.

"Oh my odin"

"Please do not tell anyone, and do not say my fa- the kings name right now"

"Can i touch your arm? I wanna see if it burns"

Loki looked at Y/n amazed by his reaction "You don't hate me?" Loki whispered as Y/n came forward "Loki why do you think i would hate you?" "Because i am a monster, i deserved to die at birth, i am a failure to asgard and jotunheim" Y/n dropped a bag down and then put his hand on his hips hearing Lokis words "You are more adorable than a baby dragon!" Loki chuckled at Y/n's comparison and let him touch him, almost as soon as Y/n touched Loki the both of them turned blue "W-what?" Y/n whispered backing away and watching the blue fade, Y/n couldnt handle this, not right now, he was slipping into his little headspace and it wasnt going to be pretty especially since Loki didnt know about Y/n's headspace "Y/n?" Loki whispered in shock grabbing ahold of him to comfort him. That did it. Y/n snapped, he went into his little space quick and started crying "Hey hey, its okay!" Loki said holding onto him.

After a few minutes of Loki comforting Y/n he pulled back to look at him "Feeling better?" Loki whispered as he fixed Y/n's hair "Mhm, eh baa" Loki was confused by the babbling "Baa?" Loki repeated as Y/n crawled out of his lap and then got into the bag; The only things in the bag were a brush, some tissues, a box holding 1 green and gold pacifier, a bottle, 2 diapers, and a onesie. Y/n had brought the bag thinking Loki would like some tissues but the plan changed and now Y/n was shuffling on his knees trying to get the bottle over to Loki "Baa!" Y/n repeated, Loki was confused but then remembered something about some sort of younger headspace used for coping he read in a mental health book, Loki took the bottle and held onto Y/n as they teleported to the kitchen, Loki grabbed some apple juice and poured it into the bottle returning it to the little and teleporting them back to his bedroom so they could cuddle and sleep while accepting eachother's new forms


609 words total

I hope i did good!
Check out some of my other books!

Requested by: TomsBabyBoy

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