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Y/N pov

It was saturday today - finally a day me and loki can relax. Wait.. Where is Loki? I looked around the house searching for him but didn't find him, i started panicking and slowly getting smaller mentally until Thor bursts through the door with Loki slugging along. "We went shopping for midgardian food-" Thor stopped when he found me huddled in the corner crying "Brother? Whats wro-" Loki! I ran and jumped into his arms before he could finish his sentence. "Darling, are you alright?" He lifted my head, his palms holding my face as tears slipped from my sockets "I-is tink ou go way" I sobbed into his shoulder as he pulled me in looking at Thor and nodding his head sideways telling Thor to go in the living room. While Thor waited Loki took me into our room and sat down on the bed with me in his lap. He grabbed my hairbrush brushing my hair back out of my face and soothing me "Now" he looked at me as he set the hairbrush down "I'm sorry for leaving you, I promised Thor that id go with him not expecting to have to go so early in the day" He was holding me as he apologized "Is otay daddy" I mumbled softly in his neck slowly falling into the dark abyss of sleep.


these are so short lol sorry

Also did u see my thor 1 reference? ehehehe

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