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Little Y/N
Narrative pov


"DADDY DADDY DADDY!" Loki woke up to Y/N shaking his blanketed figure violently "Oh norns, whats got you so excited at such an early hour dear?" Her smile beamed and made him accidentally smile wide "Is snowy outsiwde!" Loki immediately knew what she wanted to do today; Play until she was a coughing mess. "Get ready and we can go outside dear" Y/N beamed again and ran as fast as she could to get dressed and ready while Loki just sighed and looked at the floor for a minute - thinking of what sickness she'd get next from this. Y/N was never able to stay healthy after playing in the snow, always getting some kind of sickness.

After Loki and Y/N we're both ready they headed outside and started playing tag. When Y/N couldn't tag Loki for a full ten minutes she decided she wanted to build a snowman with Loki.

"Woahs! Daddy look!" While Loki was rolling the base Y/N was making the middle, but hers is way bigger than his "Wow, I guess you made the base before I did! Please bring it over here so I can put the middle on it." She quickly rolled it to Loki and he put the middle on top, patting the under with snow so it stayed in place. "Daddy, can we makes da heawd together?" He looked up at her, Y/N smiling waiting for an answer as he looked into her eyes smiling back "Of course princess, anything you want" She squealed and made a snowball bringing it over to Loki and started passing it from her side to his, he passed from his side to hers, repeating the process until the ball was big enough to be placed on the middle.

After finishing the snowman they headed inside due to the darkness of night creeping its way into the skyline.

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