Uh-Oh Asgard

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Little Loki
She/Her Y/N
Narrative Pov

Y/N and Loki had come to Asgard with Thor, as he insisted Odin needed to meet Y/N before they married, and though Y/N was happy, Loki wasnt. Loki always craved his fathers approval but this time, he didnt want it. As Loki glared at the gates they slowly approached, Y/N wrapped her fingers between his, comforting his nerves.

"Rise" Odins voice boomed, making Y/N's ears rattle a bit from the sudden noise but rising none the less "Ive heard there is to be a wedding" Loki stiffed and Y/N once again laced her fingers in his "Yes your majesty, ours" Y/N, speaking softly and looking from Odin to Loki, whose muscles started to ease, "And you have come for our blessing, yes?" Frigga suddenly came closer, as if she was a shadow, this made Loki tense again but worse than before, his hand shaking in Y/N's. "Yes your majesty" Y/N bowed her head in respect of Frigga's presence as said queen looked to her husband and nodded to which he smiled at "Very well, you have our blessings" Y/N smiled and looked at Loki whose eyes were open wide and jaw tightened, obviously trying hard not to have an anxiety attack.

After getting to their room and closing the door Y/N rushed to Loki's side "Are you okay?" He started to tear up at her words before answering softly "m wan go howme" Y/N smiled sadly at him, he was little, and although she loved his little side she hated that he was so sad "We'll go home prince, we just have to get through a dinner tonight and then we can leave in the morning" Loki started sobbing and laid his head on her shoulder as she held him close, rubbing small patterns on his back

For a while Loki just cried into Y/N's comfort tactics, her trying hard to make him feel better, but eventually he fell asleep. As Y/N laid him in the bed Frigga appeared, one of the only 3 people Loki ever allowed to know of his little side "I take it little him did not take it so well?" Y/N gave a sad chuckle as response to the queen, who decided to stay and watch him until he woke.

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