Throat Problem

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TW: Pills, Sickness, (idk if y'all need this but-) Christmas decorating

Little Y/N
She/Her Y/N
Loki POV

Y/N has been in our room sleeping while I, Thor, and surprisingly Tony of all guys decorated the living room with "Christmas" decorations "Tell us why we're putting up such silly things?" Tony looked at me, with his usual offended stance "Excuse me? Christmas is the absolute best holiday we have to decorate or else it just seems sad, and I'm not emo like you are" Tony was acting like I had threatened him, and for the love of me I couldn't understand the last insult. Thor just chuckled "Brother, every year this fat guy comes down a chimney and gives people gifts and it's considered a holiday" I snorted "Doesn't sound like any— never mind I take that back, remember the one time father fell through a floor and got stuck midway? And then you and I would tease him every year on the same day for about 3 or 4 decades" Tony was heavily confused as to what I was talking about and why Thor was hunched over, holding his stomach as he laughed hard "O-oh norns, still gets me" I rolled my eyes "I question your maturity"
After a while of decorating I hear the bedroom door open and close "..daddy? tor? 'ony?"  I snapped my head around and smiled "Good morning princess" My smile flattened when I saw how sunken her eyes were "Are you okay?" Y/N's little head shook side to side "fwoat huwt" she pointed to her throat and I walked over to her, "Can I see please?" Her mouth opened "Aaaa" her throat was completely red "Oh princess, you're obviously sick, do you want medicine?" Tony, without even needing to see her head nod, went into the bathroom nearby, reached into the cabinet and grabbed some antibiotics. Grabbing them from him I opened the bottle "You want me to get you a drink or do you wanna do it" Y/N didn't answer, just headed towards the kitchen. I waited a few seconds until she popped her head out and walked over to me, hand out waiting for the pill while her other hand held a plastic cup of strawberry milk. I dropped the pill in her hand and watched her take it, making sure to check her mouth so I knew she really took it and didnt pretend "Good job my princess, how about you back to bed for a bit? You need some rest so this can go away." Y/N pouted "Is wan watch decowatin" I laughed a little "The decorations will be there when you wake up, Christmas won't happen without you I promise so don't worry about it" "Otay...cawy pwincess to bed?" I picked her up into my arms and headed to the bed, Thor ruffling her hair as we walked past him earning a scratched giggle. Once Y/N was in bed her eyes snapped shut and she cuddled into her "army of stuffies" as she called it.
I went back to the living room and decorated some more.

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