Stars and Freckles - EZ

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Description: EZ takes his girlfriend out stargazing to try to soften the blow that he's prospecting into the MC.

"You know it's impossible to try to count the stars," I said, looking over at EZ as he mouthed numbers, either doing math or counting stars, I wasn't sure.

"I know. It's impossible to count freckles too, but you, querida, have 24," he said, taking my left hand without looking away from the sky. "Right here." He moved his thumb across my hand. I didn't know there were 24 but I knew what he was talking about.

"Why are you counting stars?" I asked softly. I leaned into him some more. We were sitting in the back of his fathers truck. He'd been insistent that we come stargazing.

"I'm not," he said. "I'm naming them off. Wanted to see if I could still do it I guess."

"You have an eidetic memory, mi amor," I said. "Of course you can."

"I just needed to see," he said. "Can't see the stars in Stockton. Eight years is a long time to go without seeing things this incredible."

I nodded a bit. "I know."

I wanted to say more to maybe try to convey what I was feeling. How sorry I was that he'd had to go through everything he has in the last eight years. All because one man decided to kill his mother.

"You're thinking too loud," he said, smiling a bit as he looked at me instead of the stars.

"My apologies," I said. He leaned over and kissed my lips quickly.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Just feel like I don't have the words to say what's I want to," I said.

"Just talk to me, querida," he said.

"You've been through so much EZ. It isn't fair to you. I love you and watching you go through everything you have the last eight years, I just don't even know," I said. He placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed it gently.

"It isn't your fault, mi amor," he said, looking at me with a smirk. "I made those choices that led to that moment."

"I know. I can still feel like it shouldn't have happened," I said.

"For someone who's been through as much as you have-." I cut him off.

"EZ, I don't have to remember every detail of every moment though," I said. "I can't forget things."

"I can shut it off," he said. "When all the noise gets too loud."

I nodded a little and leaned into him more. "I wish I could turn the noise off."

"Just look at the stars and be," he said, motioning to the stars as he moved his arms to be wrapped around me.

We sat like that in total silence for the night hour, both of us just turning our own noise off. I needed the break, and clearly so did he.

"I need to tell you something," he said. I just nodded so he could continue. "I'm prospecting into the MC. Angel is going to sponsor me."

"Be safe," I said. "And come home to me at the end of the day."

"We still don't live together," he said.

"We could," I responded.

"Lets see how things land with prospecting first," he said. I nodded and he kissed me. We didn't stay out too much longer before he took me home and headed back to his fathers house.

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