Estrella - Hank

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Warning: mentions of miscarriage

Description: One of the new girls at the clubhouse is having a hard night so Hank comforts her.

"Okay, what did I do?" Hank asked, sitting down at the bar.

"What?" I asked. I sat a beer down in front of him and wiped some condensation or something off the bar top.

"You look like you want to rip my head off," he said with a soft laugh. It was nervous laugh.

I broke into a bit of a smile. "My face just does that sometimes. Especially when I'm in my own head."

"I'm a great listener if you ever need to talk."

"Thanks Hank," I said, grabbing Bishop and Taza some beers. I returned to standing in front of Hank as Jess also jumped behind the bar and started to help.

"Jess, I'm gonna take a sec," I said. I grabbed my water bottle and stepped outside. The sun was starting to come down a bit. I sat on the steps and took a long drink out of my water bottle. The door shut behind me and I had a sneaking suspicion it was Hank. I didn't look up as whoever it was walked down the steps. He stopped on the ground and turned to face me.

"Alright spill," he said. I just shook my head. I wiped my eyes. I knew I should've stayed home today.

"Hey, (Y/N), talk to me."

I blew a breath out and looked up to the sky. I shrugged and shook my head again.

"Just should've stayed home today," I said.

"You can leave if you need to."

"I can't be alone either I guess."

"I won't ask what's wrong again, but I will stand with my comment that I'm a great listener."

"I know you are Hank. Today's just a hard day. Been through shit."

He just nodded and took another drink.

"You just gonna stare at me until I trauma dump?" I asked.

"Will it work?"

I nodded, earning a yes in response.

"This day two years ago."

"You weren't here then."

"I know. I was back home. I was pregnant. Woke up in unbelievable pain. I called my mother cause she'd had seven kids. She told me to get to the hospital, so I did. I had a miscarriage. Lost my girl at seven and a half ish months."

We sat in silence for a while as I wiped my eyes.

"I'm so sorry."

I looked up at Hank.

"Thank you."

"I can't imagine what you went through and I know that my sorry isn't going to change it. It must've been hell."

"It was." I wiped my eyes again and chugged some more water.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about?"

"Her, loosing her."

"She was big enough I had to deliver her which was hard. We had a funeral for her. Ended up naming her Estrella."

"It's beautiful (Y/N)."

"Thank you Hank. She was beautiful. Worst part is we don't even know what happened."

"I'm really sorry."

"Stop apologizing. Won't change anything now."

He nodded. "I know. But I do feel bad. Estrella, that why the fascination with the stars?"

I nodded. "Stars were beautiful the night before. It had come down to Estrella and Dulce, but when I was sitting outside watching the stars the night before I knew what I had to name her."

"And the tattoos?"

I nodded.

"You're a strong, amazing woman."

I smiled in thanks as the door to the clubhouse opened. It was Angel and Nails, sneaking off for the night.

I moved enough to let them down the stairs. They moved right on past us like we weren't even there.

I chuckled a little at the two.

"Want to head back inside?"

"Not really," I said. "Think I should head home."

"Would you like some company?"

"Hank I can-."

"Not sexual," he said with a chuckle. "Just a friend. I'll swing by my moms. She made some Tres Leches for our Thursday night dinner yesterday. I'll pick some up and come by."

"Hank, spend your night her-."

"Hey, I want to spend the night with you, querida."

"Okay Hank. Let me grab my purse. I'll meet you at my house." He agreed and I went inside and let Jess know I was heading home.

I made the short trip home and changed into some athletic shorts and a loose crop top instead of the clothes I'd been wearing to bartend. I grabbed a hard lemonade from my fridge and twisted it open as there was a knock on the door.

I went quickly and opened it to let Hank in.

"I never put two and two together. Ma lives right down the road."

"I'll have to meet her and thank her for raising such a good kid."

He chuckled and told me how much she would love to hear that. I led him into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of plates and silverware for us.

"Can we sit outside?" I asked softly.


I led him to my back patio area so we could watch the stars while we ate. He knew a lot about the constellations and told me some of the different myths behind them.

"I had no idea you knew so much about the stars."

"I also have a love for the stars."

I smiled over at him as I sat my plate down.

"You know I have to make cookies or something now to return her Tupperware tomorrow."

"I'll take it."

"You can't return empty Tupperware."

"Fine, fine, I'll let you make cookies."

"Does she have a favorite?"

"The peanut butter ones."

I nodded and I knew I could make some tomorrow no issue.

"Thank you for tonight Hank."

"Thank you for opening up to me (Y/N)."

I nodded as I looked back to the stars. I took a drink and sighed a bit.

"Hey, do you want to talk about it?"

"You've actually turned the night around Hank."

"I'm glad you're doing better. But you will be way better when you've rested."

"I'm not tired."

"Try to rest."

I bit my lip and nodded.

"I'll check on you in the morning."

"If I send you a list will you grab the last couple things for the cookies on your way?"


I thanked him and showed him out, locking up behind him. I headed to bed, falling asleep within seconds of receiving a text that he was home in one piece.

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