Angels - Angel x Coco x Reader

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Description: After her mother passed away in Mexico, Taza's niece shows up looking for him. While she's there she catches the eyes of two of his brothers.

"I'm looking for Che," I said, looking at the man in the office. He had plastic hands, and was honestly weirding me out a bit.


"My uncle Che," I said. "Romero. He's like the Vice President or something. I don't know I just, find him please." I was panicking a bit. I'd just heard about my mother's passing and her brother was the only other family I had. I needed to see my uncle who I hadn't seen in a few years.

The man walked off and I leaned against the wall waiting for him.

A couple of guys in their late twenties or early thirties walked in and stared at me. Both of them stopped at exactly the same moment.

"Can we help you?" The taller one with shorter hair asked.

"The guys with the fake hands went to find my uncle for me," I said.

"Who's you're uncle, querida?" The slightly shorter of the two asked.

"Che," I said. Luckily he walked in and I immediately collapsed into a hug.

"What's going on?" He asked as he held me and rubbed my back.

"Ma died," I said. His hug got slightly tighter then.

"How?" He asked.

"I don't know," I responded. "I need to-."

"No, (Y/N), you can't."

I sobbed into his chest. I knew I couldn't go back to Mexico. Wouldn't matter anyways. Che and I were it now. Our family was small, and getting smaller quickly.

"Why don't we go get you a drink?" My uncle suggested. I nodded and he led me into the other building here and went immediately to the bar. The two from the office earlier were sitting at the bar. Che got me a shot of tequila and I drank it quickly, biting into the lime to make it easier to take.

"How did someone as pretty as you come from his family tree?" The taller of the men from earlier asked.

Che laughed a bit and introduced him as Angel and his tagalong as Coco.

"She's a pretty girl. Like her mother," Che said.

I smiled at my uncle and thanked him a bit.

"Taza, how did we not know you had a family?" Angel asked.

"Just her now," Che said. "She's a good kid, but I've tried to keep her out of this life."

I nodded a bit and Che handed me a beer. I thanked him and started drinking it. He asked the other two to give us a minute alone.

"Why don't you move in with me?" He offered. Being the only members of our family left I guess it would make the most sense for the two of us to live together.

"I'd like that. We'll have to go get my stuff from Lodi," I said. "Almost finished with school anyways."

"Good," he said. "You can help patch my brothers up when they get into bar brawls."

"Exactly why I went to nursing school," I said with a laugh.

"We'll go in a few days to Lodi," he said. I agreed and some more men came in. He was summoned away to them and Angel and Coco were quick to return to me and begin questioning me.

"Why the interest boys?" I asked.

"You're pretty," Angel said.

"And we're single," Coco said.

"And what? I'm supposed to choose between you two? I barely even know you. And I'm kind of going through a lot and don't want to think about dating right now," I said.

"No," they both said quickly.

"For now we just want to get to know you," Angel said. I agreed but shot the questions back at them as quickly as they threw them at me.

About an hour later Che let me know he was headed home for the evening. That was my cue to leave too.

"(Y/N)," Angel said. "Do you wanna hang with us? I can dropped you off at Taza's place later."

"I'd like that," I said with a bit of a smile. Che kissed my head and told me to keep them in line.

"An impossible feat I'm sure," I said looking between Coco and Angel.

"We are angels," Angel said. I laughed a bit at that.

"Sure you are," I said. We went back to our conversation for a while. I really liked them both and in a few months maybe I could see myself dating either of them.

"Well, it's probably about time we get you returned safely to your uncle," Angel said.

"I'll ride with," Coco said.

"I have a car out there," I said.

"You've been drinking," Angel said.

"As have both of you," I said.

"You're a lightweight."

I rolled my eyes and stood up, almost falling as I realized I was a bit more drunk than I thought I was.

"Yeah, let us take you," Coco said, catching me. He picked me up with ease and carried me out to my car. He sat down in the back seat with me. He held me, rubbing my back and whispering the whole way to my uncle's.

My uncle was still awake when we got there. Coco carried me in and laid me on the couch. He kissed my forehead as he laid a blanket over me and told me to sleep. I whined a little, having lost all cares about how they saw me. I wanted held.

"Rest, querida, you'll feel better tomorrow," he said. Angel and Coco said goodbye to Che but I didn't hear them leave as I fell asleep on the couch.

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