Fire With Fire - Angel

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Warnings: gun violence, death, murder.

Takes place during attack on clubhouse at beginning of Season 4 but doesn't follow it exactly.

Description: Angel's girlfriend is at the clubhouse when the other Mayans attack.

"What the hell?" I asked as chaos was beginning around us. I looked at Jess and Rosa. I looked up as Angel ran out of the templo. He shook his head and told us to stay down. Cielo and I both jumped into action though. Angel was dragging EZ inside.

The guys were saying they were low on ammo and Cielo and I seemed to have the same idea.

"What if we fight fire with fire?" She asked. Bishop wasn't doing anything so EZ nodded and Cielo and I started making Malatov cocktails. Some of the guys were shooting at the men attacking the clubhouse and EZ went to the roof with Hank. It wasn't long before they were yelling about someone being shot.

"(Y/N)," Angel yelled. I looked up and Hank was bleeding from a gunshot to his leg. I grabbed some clean towels and ran over to him.

"I'm okay," he said.

"Just let me get some pressure on it please Hank," I said.

He nodded and I pushed the towels onto his leg.

I stayed there for the next hour or so. I kept pressure on his leg until the bleeding had more or less stopped. It was mostly superficial. He'd need a doctor but he'd survive.

I only left him because Creeper had been shot three times and needed my attention more.

"Burn the one on my neck," he said, trying to hand his knife to Cielo as I scrubbed my hands at the sink behind to counter. Cielo was holding a flame to his knife as I started in with pressure on his torso.

"I don't know if I can do this," she said.

"Cielo, you've got this," I said. "Or he dies."

"Please," Creep said softly. She nodded and pressed the hot blade to his neck. He groaned loudly in pain.

Bishop was yelling about fuck them and they were all gonna die. Taza was drinking the only bottle of liquor we hadn't turned into a malatov cocktail. Hank was trying to calm someone down and Angel and EZ were standing at the windows ready to fight. Some of the out of towners were working on setting up floodlights.

"Hey man, shut up, they're on the roof," EZ said. A group of the men moved towards the roof entrance with their guns drawn.

About two minutes later they returned with Coco and Gilly now in tow. Coco was going on about how he wouldn't miss if they gave him a gun.

Rosa was sobbing and Bishop started yelling at her.

"C," I said, nodding to Creeps torso. She took my place and I got in Bishop's face.

"Hey, hey, you ain't mad at us. We're scared shitless. Us women didn't sign up for this," I said, motioning to the door. "So let her cry."

Bishop shoved me away from him and I went to go after him but Coco and Angel caught me.

"Hey no," Angel said and pulled me back to Creeper. I sat back down and Angel sat with me.

It wasn't long before Rosa ran out the door, getting shot immediately. She started screaming but that was the only noise. I settled a little and relaxed against Angel.

"How's our ammo?" Bishop asked.

"Not great," Angel said.

"Fuck, okay we do this with the floodlights. That's it," Bish said. "Only shoot if you have a kill shot." Angel stood back up but paused.

"There's one bullet left," Angel said.

"Then put it in one of those assholes," I said. He shook his head.

"Protect yourself."

I couldn't fight him so I wiped my hand on my shirt and took it, putting it in my waistband.

Bishop yelled to light 'em up and the floodlights were flipped on as another round of shootout started. I tried to stay calm as Jess and Cielo freaked out more.

"Relax," I said. "Please."

They shook a bit and I couldn't get them calmed so I quit trying.

Angel and EZ both yelled about being out of ammo.

The shooting subsided again and Angel came back to me.

"We're not getting out of this," I said softly. He pulled me away from everyone and took a seat on the ground with me.

"Hey, you get out that's all that matters mi amor," he said.

"No, Angel, I need you with me. I need you whole," I said. He kissed my head and held me against his chest.

Another hour later the sun was up and EZ was talking about how it was him Canche was after. He had decided he was going outside. He started yelling a conversation with Canche.

I looked at Angel and I knew he was following his brother. I knew my trying to convince him not to wouldn't go over well.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," Angel said. He stood up and followed his baby brother out the door.

It was probably an hour later that Alvarez showed up and demanded the men calm down. He was reinstating himself as a Mayan and making himself President here in Santo Padre.

I was just thankful he arrived in time to save our Santo Padre guys.

"Mi amor," I said, throwing my arms around Angel as he came back in. He held me to his chest and told me we were safe again. He leaned down and kissed me deeply before pulling back to kissing my forehead.

"Take her home Angel," Marcus said. "That was a lot for her."

I nodded and Angel agreed. He took his gun back and we went out to his bike.

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