A Whole Bottle - Angel

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Requested by: hardywoman99

Description: Angels girlfriend calls EZ for relationship advice but she ends up sleeping with the wrong brother. Angel is livid when he finds out.

I sighed and collapsed on the couch. Angel was supposed to be home hours ago. I'd had dinner waiting for him on the table and everything. When he No showed I cleaned up and ate a little but I wasn't very hungry. I looked at the bottle of wine in front of me. I popped the top off and started to drink it straight from the bottle.

I pressed call next to EZ's name in my phone, knowing if anyone could give me answers it'd be him.

When he answered I asked if he could come over and talk for a bit. He seemed hesitant but agreed.

He showed up a few minutes later a case of beer in hand. I smirked at that. I'd known EZ a long time and that didn't seem like an EZ solution to a problem.

"What's going on?"

"Your dumbass brother stood me up again," I said.


"We had plans for dinner. I made a really nice dinner. He fucking never showed. Hasn't bothered answering his phone either."

EZ sat down next to me and popped the top off a beer. He drank a good portion of it.

"I don't know what to tell you," he said. I sighed. Of course that's the answer he would give me.

"EZ," I said. "You know him better than anyone else."

"If you wanted advice on how to woo him you should've called Coco," he said.

"Coco would've just come over here to fuck me," I said. EZ chuckled at that. He seemed slightly uncomfortable almost like he thought that wasn't a bad idea. I grabbed my bottle of wine and went to take a sip but it was gone.

"Fuck," I said.

"A whole bottle?" EZ asked.

"Right out the bottle," I said. He laughed at me and cracked open a beer, handing it to me. As I took it, our hands brushed. I knew I needed to ignore my own horniness and just go to bed. But EZ and I sat in the living room talking for a while longer. The more we talked, and the drunker we both got, the better fucking him sounded.

"EZ," I said, standing up and moving over to him. I sat down in his lap and pushed his kutte off his shoulders. "Fuck me."

"I can't-."

"Forget about your fuckhead of a brother and just fuck me," I said. He pushed himself to his feet, wrapping his arms around me. He carried me to my bedroom with ease and dropped me on my bed.

The next morning when I woke up there was shouting down stairs. I groaned and collapsed further into my pillows. Sure enough the shouting got closer to my door and damn near kicked it in.

"I'm hungover come back later," I yelled.

"You fucking slept with my brother?" Angel asked. I sat up and faced him.

"What? Oh fuck," I said as I thought back to last night. "Yeah I guess I fucking did. I got drunk and I called him here to ask for relationship advice because clearly you aren't getting enough from me since you're never fucking around anymore. He didn't want to help me at all. I think he just wanted to make sure I was okay but I got drunk enough that I asked him to fuck me and he did Angel. Is that what you wanna fucking hear?"

The anger radiated off of him in waves as he paced and cracked his knuckles. The were busted and bloody. He'd clearly been fighting with EZ already this morning.

"No, no it isn't what I want to fucking hear. What I want to hear is that when I'm working late you fucking put yourself to bed without inviting my fucking brother into it."

"Maybe if you were fucking here on occasion."

"This isn't my fault."

"Sleeping with Ezekiel is on me. I own that. I'm sorry I fucking did it but I'll own it. You being late for the twelfth time this month though is on you."

"You don't fucking call my brother because I'm late."

"Five hours. I waited five fucking hours as dinner got cold and I grew worried. The thought of you dead in a ditch somewhere was terrifying me. I only meant for EZ to come over and tell me how to get you to open up. I'm sorry I hurt you Angel."

He shoved my door, hard, and sent it slamming shut behind him.

"I'm sorry for being late. That doesn't give you the right to fucking cheat," he said.

"I know. And I'm sorry."

He collapsed on the bed with a groan. I slid closer to him, trying to ignore my hangover.

"We're pretty fucked up, huh?" He said with a soft laugh.

"Yeah I guess."

"I'm seriously considering forgiving you since I am quite honestly the worst boyfriend ever," he said.

"Angel, you don't have to forgive me. Hell, I wouldn't forgive me."

"I want to. As pissed as I am that you two slept together, I know my part in that. He won't come within twenty feet of you again. I'll work on being better. And I know you'd never blame the alcohol. But, I'm the king of blame the alcohol moments. I saw the empty wine bottle."

"Don't make excuses for me," I said. "It was a really shitty thing to do."

"Yeah, it was. You fucked up. I fucked up. We call it even and move on?"


"Pretend it didn't happen?"

"That won't work."

"Fine then, I'll just fuck you better and you can forget he was ever in here," Angel said, sitting up and leaning over to me. He kissed me and guided me to lay down on the bed.

"EZ remembers last night. Said you called him Angel." Angel smirked a little as he told me what happened. I glared at him and pulled him into another kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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