The Truth - Nestor

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Description: Nestor's girlfriend finds a bloody shirt and demands the truth about his work.

I was pacing angrily when Nestor finally got home from "work."

"Where the hell have you been?"

"Work," he said. He looked concerned.

"No," I said. "Not unless your job has you doing sketchy ass shit."

I threw the blood stained tshirt that I'd found at him.

He sighed as he realized what was going on.

"Listen," he said.

"No. You know, everyone warned me. Don't get involved with Nestor. He works for the Cartel. Miguel runs the cartel. Nestor's his head of security. I didn't believe them. I didn't believe the shit people said about you being a murderer. I was fucking wrong."

"Baby," he tried again as he took a few steps toward me.

"Fuck off Nestor. You didn't even have the decency to tell me the truth," I said. "That's the part that hurts the most. You know that? I've told you everything. I've bared my soul to you Nestor."

"Mi amor," he said. "Can we talk about this please?"

"What's there to talk about?"

"Do you want the truth?" He asked.

"That's all I want Nestor. That's all I've ever wanted."

"Fine, but you have to calm down and let me explain. Okay?"

I nodded and leaned back into the wall.

"Can we go sit?"

I led him to the living room and sat down. He sat down on the couch at the opposite end from me and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I am very high up with Miguel's protection team.  I'm not the head but I'm up there. He is a Galindo. The family is-."

"A cartel family. I know."

He nodded. "Yeah. Sometimes I have to do things to protect myself or Miguel's family. Sometimes those things aren't good but I do it to come home to you."

"Do not make this about me."

"I'm not."

"You are Nestor. This isn't about me. This is about you lying to me."

"I'm trying to make that right and you're getting more upset."

"Because you're putting the blame on me."

"I'm not trying to Mi amor. I want you to understand that every time I make a decision about what to do, it's based on the fact that I want to come home to you."

"Look Nestor," I said. "I understand that. I appreciate that. I want you coming home to me at the end of the day. I promise you Nestor. Nothing makes me happier. I still can't believe you thought you needed to lie to me."

"I wanted to pro-."

"Don't tell me it was for my protection."

"Okay, it was for mine. If people in my life find out that I love you, they'll take you to hurt me."

I blew my breath out and leaned further into the couch. "I'm sorry Nestor. Really, but I'm not their concern. Why the hell is what you're doing going to come back on me?"

"I work for-."

"The cartel. Yeah I got it now." I rolled my eyes a bit and Nestor slammed his hands onto his knees before forcing himself to his feet.

"I've apologized and I'm promising you honesty from here forward but I can't do anything to change the past now," he said.

"I'll sleep on it and get back to you on how I feel. Tomorrow. Sleep on the couch tonight."

He agreed and I went to our room. I got ready for bed and laid down. The bed felt weird without him next to me. I tried to ignore that feeling and fall asleep but I couldn't.

I tossed and turned for a few hours as I played the argument back in my head. I was incredibly mad at Nestor but I may have over reacted a bit.

I got up and walked down the hall to where Nestor was laying on the couch.

"Nestor, are you still awake?"

He sat up and looked over at me. He'd let his hair from its braids and his eyes were bloodshot like he was crying.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I know you're trying to protect me."

"I'm sorry too. I should've been honest with you a long time ago."

"I get why you weren't. It's not like you can go around announcing you work for the cartel."

He nodded a bit.

"Will you come to bed now?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

He jumped to his feet and threw me over his shoulder to carry me to the bedroom.

"Nestor, I really am sorry," I said once he'd sat me down on the bed.

"So am I querida," he said. He kissed me and pulled me into his body so we could get some sleep.

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