Care Relax Rest - Coco

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Description: Coco gets home late one night to find his pregnant girlfriend asleep on the couch because she's sick.

"Querida?" Coco said as he walked into the house. He woke me up but I only groaned and shifted slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"Sinus infection," I said as he gently moved my legs so he could sit down by my feet on the couch. He squeezed himself into the space between my torso and the back of the couch.

"Did you call your doc?"

"Yeah," I said, wiping my eyes which had dried tears stuck in my lashes.

"What'd she say?"

"Just to monitor and not to take medication," I said. "So I called Ma and she's going to come by in the morning with some chicken broth and help out around here so I can rest."

"Okay, as long as you're both okay," he said, rubbing my stomach a little.

"We are Coco," I said. "Especially with you here."

He hummed a bit and rubbed my side as he whispered softly in Spanish. If I'd been feeling better I would've listened to him, but he did this every night. I knew he was just talking to our kid. He usually told the kid they're loved and asked them to take it easy on me.

"Coco, is everything okay?" I asked.

"It's getting there."

"What happened today?"

"Don't worry about it querida," he said. He grabbed the remote from the coffee stand and turned the television set down as the commercial blared loudly.

"What were you watching?" He asked with a soft chuckle.

"Just some rerun Hallmark movie. Wasn't paying attention."

He went back to talking to our kid and I ran my fingers gently through his hair.

"You can go to the bed," I said after a while.

"Not without you."

"I can't sleep laying down Coco."

"So I'll stay with you," he said. He shifted and brought himself up to eye level with me. He tried to lean in to kiss my lips.

"Coco I'm sick."

"I don't care."

"I care amour."

"Hey, I love you querida." Coco leaned down and kissed my forehead. "You're running a fever."

"I know. I can't take anything though."

"Do you want a cold towel or-." I could see the worry on his face thanks to the small amount of light from the television.

"Coco, stop worrying, please. I'll be okay."

I coughed some and he immediately ran to the kitchen, coming back with some cold water. I drank it thankfully.

"Can you take anything for the cough?"

I shook my head no and took a deep breath.

"Johnny," I said, using his given name to get his attention. "I've been sick before. I will be okay."

He shook his head a little and took the empty glass from me. He went to the kitchen and found a Gatorade in the fridge.

"Drink some more."

He sat down on the couch where I'd had my head when he came in and waited for me to get a drink. When he was satisfied that I'd gotten enough fluids into my body, he pulled me between his legs to lean against his chest.

"Relax (Y/N)," he said. He placed a kiss to my head as I tried to relax into his chest.

"I love you Coco."

"I love you too. Rest querida."

I laid on his chest, closing my eyes and trying to breath through my congestion.

After a few minutes of Coco's soft whispers and him rubbing my stomach and sides, I was able to fall asleep.

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