Fire Starter

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Here it is! ...And btw, I made a mistake in my last chapter of SIO, Nick is going to the University of Maryland.

The New New York

Chapter One

Elizabeth Denise Jonas walked the halls of Juillard with her head held high. Dressed in her normal black jeans, white shirt, and a black cardign, she felt as confident as ever. After a summer of changes, and getting used to the Big Apple, it was now time for her first day of being a Freshman in college. A freshman in Juillard, School for the Performing Arts.

It was intimidating, being surrounded by so much talent...and new faces. All summer, she and Rachel Berry were glued to the hip, whether it be in their three bedroom and one bathroom New York loft or walking around the city to make new places their places. Now, Rachel was at NYADA giving the other freshman a run for their money while Lizzie did her thing...whatever 'her thing' was.

She loved New York, and all it had to offer, but it felt..empty. She always pictured Kurt with her, but alas, he was back home in Lima. He was going to reapply for NYADA in the Second Semester, Lizzie just hoped that time came quickly. Like she said, she loved Rachel, but sometimes that girl was too much too handle on her own.

Leaving her family was the hardest thing the girl has ever had to do. Her parents now had a totally empty house, with Nick at the University of Maryland and Joe in California with Puck. Joe, she guessed the two had a strange relationship. He did E-Mail her once in a while, which was nice. As always, her and Nick were still very close. Even though Maryland was a pretty short train ride, the two knew they wouldn't see each other much since they were going to be busy with their new lives. Though, she did see him a lot through Skype, since that was all Rachel seemed to do on the weekends.

Then, there was Finn. The boy that broke her heart for good reason. Her first, and her almost husband. Now, training for the Army in Geogria to bring honor to his Father's name. She wasn't mad at him, she couldn't be. She knew he did what was right, and she knew she would thank him in the long run. No doubt she will always love him, and like he said, if they were meant to be together, the Universe would somehow make sure they were together.

Lizzie walked into the Juillard 'Round Room'. She read about it during the summer, it was the room in which every student would sing in. The acoustics were perfect, the round room almost mocking the Freshman as if saying 'You can't hide'. Definetly not as cozy as the choir room back at McKinley. 

Ah, McKinley. She stiffled a sigh, she missed the glee club, even more now as she watched each returning student have someone to talk to. It made her remember the times before Glee practice in which they would all goof around, she wondered what her friends were doing. She had to make sure she called Tina or Blaine later today to check up on them.

After another minute, Ms. Parks walked into the room, clipboard resting on her hip. Everyone rushed to a seat, Lizzie taking one in the second row while a boy took the one next to her, he smiled at her a perfect smile she had only seen once. She smiled back, taking a notebook out as Ms. Parks went to the front of the room.

"Returning students, welcome back." She made sure to smile at the boy next to Lizzie, "New students, welcome to the Round Room. The acoustics are perfect, and their are no corners...which means nowhere to hide." She smirked, making all the freshman squirm.

"First year students will have the oppurtunity to sing publically twice; Once today, The Debut, which will NOT be an orignal piece, and another at the Winter Showcase, which is at the end of the semester. The Winter Showcase is a tradition we share with our sister school NYADA, and you will only perform IF you are invited."

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