Chapter Four

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I'm ready to continue this story(: (((and, don't worry, Nick is coming in soon :D)))

The Break-Up

Chapter Four

Lizzie yawned as she crept through the hallway the next morning, wrapping her purple robe tighter around her. After Finn's unexpected arrival, and Brody's speedy exit, the previous night the two settled into the same bed, Lizzie not getting much sleep as she listened to Finn's breathing. Even though he was right there, it was still hard to beleive he was in the same City as her.

She walked into the kitchen, Kurt was standing at the stove making eggs while Rachel sat at the table, a coffee cup in hand with her suitcase on the ground next to her. With all of the excitement last night, Lizzie forgot that Rachel was going to see Nick this weekend. The two perked up when their friend walked in, both wanting to hear all the details of what they saw as a romance heating back up.

"Hey." Lizzie greeted quitely to the two.

Kurt spoke up. "Somebody slept late...want some eggs?"

Lizzie ignored his question, only launching into what she knew they wanted to hear. "We didn't go to bed until late."

Rachel shook her head, "Thank God for earplugs. Love ya both, but I don't want to hear any of that." She half-joked as she got up to go to the sink, discarding her mug.

"We didn't do anything, Rachel." Lizzie confirmed, her voice hushed. "He didn't even talk to me...we just layed there."

As if on cue, Finn walked into the kitchen. His eyes slightly widened at the sight of his step brother and Rachel, but didn't get a chance to say a word when Kurt cut in, ushering the egg he was flipping onto a plate.

"Well, I'm going to eat this in the park and watch Drug Deals go down." He smiled, nudging Rachel.

"Oh! Yeah, I gotta head to the tran station" She waved at Finn who smiled back. 

Kurt nodded as Rachel left, Lizzie knowing that her train to see Nick wasn't until 2pm. Knowing Rachel, she was probably waiting in the hall for Kurt to come out so the two could gossip. Kurt smiled at his step brother.

"Its good to see you, Finn."

Finn smiled as Kurt walked out, "You too, little brother."

The apartment filled with silence the minute the duo left. Just like in any other situation, Lizzie used food to distract from the awkwardness. She quickly took Kurt's spot at the counter, pulling out bread and even more eggs. 

"So, are you hungry?" She asked her ex-fiance, "Can I make you some eggs?"

Finn nodded, "Yeah, thanks." He smiled a bit.

As Lizzie began to cook, Finn looked around the apartment. It was bigger than he expected, but was just as colorful and vibrant as he would think any home owned by Lizzie, Kurt, and Rachel would be. He smiled, they made it. The three people he knew that had the most potential made it. 

"Wow, this place is awesome." Finn voiced his amazement.

Lizzie smiled, "Not exactly an ideal neighborhood, but at least we can sort of see Manhattan." 

Finn nodded, rocking back and forth on his heels as Lizzie kept her eyes on the food she was preparing. The time of small talk passed, making Lizzie almost annoyed that they even engaged in it. 

"I can't do this, Finn." She spoke up, turning to look up at him. "I don't understand. Why are you here? And..why aren't you in your uniform?"

"Because I'm not in the Army." He answered quickly, but nicely. Lizzie stayed silent, waiting for more. "I mean, I was...for sixteen days. I was cleaning Elizabeth, they make you give you rifle a name, and I shot myself...right through my thigh." Lizzie's eyes widened, "Thank god it didn't hit any bone."

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