Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"God, New York Dominos is so much better than Lima Dominos."

Lizzie smiled as Kurt took a seat next to her on the couch. It's been almost a week since the boy moved in with Lizzie and Rachel, taking the third (and last) bedroom they had. After their renioun in Central Park, the two rushed back to Lizzie's loft to tell Rachel the good news. Of course, the NYADA student screamed just as they did and hugged Kurt, it was then Lizzie realized she wasn't the only one missing Kurt. The Golden Trio were back together.

And tonight, the Trio was celebrarting my eating some New York Domions pizza. Real New Yorkers would have a fit, but hey, the Ohio natives still had some things to learn.

"It's the water," Lizzie smiled, then it wavered. "So, have you heard from Finn at all?"

She did her best to try to get the boy out of her mind, but she couldn't. She texted him maybe five times since she arrived in New York, with no response back. Maybe Kurt heard from him..

"Not since you asked me yesterday," Kurt gave a little smile. "He's just giving you your space."

Lizzie nodded, she respected that. But a text back would be nice, even if it was just a "K". Rachel saw how her friend's mood dropped, so she decided to cut in with some fun news.

"Wanna feel nostalgic?" She asked, Lizzie perked up. "Tina said they're doing Britney Spears again in Glee Club."

Lizzie smiled widely, remembering Britney week in their Junior year. Especially the assembly that caused a "Spears Sex Riot", the club was almost dibanded for that. She shook her head, giggles coming out of her.

"It feels so long since we've been in the choir room."

Kurt grinned, "We're living in the future, girls. Speaking of plan."

Lizzie clapped her hands, ready to hear it. Since he's arrived in the city, Kurt was doing his best on thinking where to go from there. Lizzie and Rachel talked him through some points, but mostly left the decision to him. It is his life after all.

"I'm going to reaudition for second semester in NYADA," Lizzie nodded as he continued, "In the meantime, I applied for a job that I feel will only appreciate my sense of" Lizzie and Rachel squealed, "I know it sounds crazy, but I'm happy that I didn't get in on my first try. I learned a lot about myself these past couple of months."

Lizzie sighed, she wish she could feel the same. Though she did learn some things about New York in the past few months, she didn't learn anything new about herself. Before she could voice her concerns, Rachel began to tell Kurt about her problems with Cassandra July, her dance teacher. Apparently, Rachel wasn't 'sexy' enough to do the tango. Lizzie shook her head, were teachers even allowed to say that to their students?

"You can't give into her, not ever." Kurt piped in. 

Lizzie nodded, "If she wants sexy, give her sexy!" 

"How am I supposed to do that?" Rachel asked, cleaning up her plate.

Lizzie smirked, if she couldn't get out of her own slump, then she'd help Rachel out of hers. And she knew just whom to go to.


In order to help Rachel on her plight to appear sexy to Ms. July, Lizzie knew she had to go to the sexist guy in New York (well, the only guy in New York she knew besides Kurt), and that was Brody Weston. From their lunchtime conversations, Lizzie knew he often went to Central Park on Monday Afternoons to jog, and luckily when she found him he was in one spot.

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