Chapter Five

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A brother comes to visit Lizzie :)


Chapter Five

After two weeks of playing the 'moping' game with Kurt, Lizzie Jonas was finally done feeling sorry for herself. She broke up with Finn for a reason, and it wasn't to cry with Kurt for days, it was to focus on her new life in New York. The life she has been dreaming about since the day she picked up a guitar.

She loved Juillard, but she needed a job. Something to focus on besides school and relationships, but to still focus on what she loves to do- play music. Which is why she is now sitting in a local Starbucks flipping through her song book to look for the perfect Audition Song.

The job was to be a live singer at a local bar, the timespot was only from 7pm to 9pm, but it was something. Her focus and energy was now all in this audition, and maybe even a little bit into the guy who just walked in.

"Hey!" Brody smiled, holding a coffee as he took a seat. "I haven't heard from you in the past couple of weeks, you okay?"

Lizzie smiled, she loved Brody's company and she felt bad for shutting him out the past week, but she needed time to herself. But now, she was ready to mingle. 

"I'm good, you know, up and down." She offered a small smile. "But, its good. Now that Finn and I are offically broken up, I can finally focus on why I came to New York which has always been for my work. Speaking of which..." She leaned over to him, "Guess who got her first big audition to sing for a club?"

Brody's eyes went wide at the woman in front of him. She was finally reaching her full potential and he couldn't be prouder. 

"What? That's amazing!" 

Lizzie smiled, "I know! It's only a small bar, and I don't think they're even that busy half the time.."

"Lizzie, it's a big deal. You fill the ranks as a hot bar singer." He grinned.

Lizzie blushed, hoping it wasn't too noticable. She stopped herself from playing with her hair, a habit she always seemed to do when flirting, and decided to take the oppurtunity to be with Brody more. 

"So, um, I'm going to be spending the weekend just looking over some songs to sing, since it is mainly covers they want, " She looked up at him. "Do you think you can help me?"

Brody nodded, an eager smile on his face. "Of course!" He then looked at his watch. "Shit, I gotta go. But, I'll definetly see you Friday night." 

With a wink, Brody left the Starbucks, leaving Lizzie in a puddle of goo.


For the first time since the breakup, Lizzie actually felt like skipping home. Something about Brody just made her feel warm inside, happy. A feeling she hasn't felt ever since she came to the city. With a blissful smile on her face, Lizzie opened her loft door to see Rachel and Kurt smiling and talking on the couch. It was rare to see Kurt with a smile these past couple of days, but Lizzie welcomed it.

"You two look happy." She smiled, putting her keys in the bowl on the table.

Rachel rose an eyebrow, a smile still on her face. "We could say the same about you...have you been talking to Brody?"

Before Lizzie could respond, a familar voice came from behind Lizzie, almost making her jump in both fear and excitement.

"Is that the guy that my baby sister keeps referencing on her twitter feeds?"

Lizzie turned around, her smile turning wider as she looked up at her big brother, and friend, Nick Jonas. With a squeal, she launched himself at him, hugging him tightly.

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