Chapter Eight

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This is more of a filler chapter, sorry! Been busy with college apps, but now thats dying down (:

Glee, Actually

Chapter Eight 

Lizzie smiled as she watched the snow blanket the city of New York from her window. It was almost as if the white powder silenced the city, even though Christmas was only a few days away, it was as if the city paused to enjoy the gift of snow. She was almost upset to leave it, but her excitement to go back home for the holidays was too much to make her feel regret for leaving the city.

She missed her family, and with her Juillard schedule now packed since she won the Showcase, it was pure luck that she could even head home. But, she was happy she could, and as she packed the last of her belongings, she felt at peace with the idea of leaving. 

Lizzie rolled out her suitcase to the living room, the only occupant of the room being Kurt as he set up the mini Christmas tree they found in the local drugstore. With Rachel already gone on a cruise with her dads, Lizzie was upset that the boy would be spending the holiday alone. Though he now had to save the money since he got accepted to NYADA, she still wished he would come. 

"Are you sure you don’t want to hop on the plane with Nick and I?" She asked, as she walked to him.

Kurt shook his head, “There’s no reason for me to go to Lima. My family is heading to Columbus to go to Carol’s drunk sister’s house for the holidays."

"What about Blaine?" Lizzie asked quietly as she hung up a mini ornament.

Kurt shrugged, “Well, Blaine knows I’m saving my money for NYADA now. Besides, it will be nice to have some time to myself…."

Before Lizzie could respond, there was a loud knock at the door. They both gave each other questioning looks, knowing it couldn’t be Brody since he was home in Montana. Kurt went to answer it as Lizzie hung up more ornaments, she almost dropped one when Kurt screamed.


Lizzie quickly moved to get a look at the door, and sure enough, there was Burt Hummel standing in the doorway with a huge tree at his side. Lizzie smiled, unable to contain her excitment at the sight of her best friend's father.

"Oh my God! Burt!" 

He leaned into the door, smiling when he saw Lizzie. Even though he knew about Finn and Lizzie's messy break up, he still had a fondness for the girl. She was a friend to his son first afterall.

“Season Greetings!" He smiled at the two. “I got a tree, you need one?"

"Come in!" Kurt said excitedly as he helped him in.

The trio then spent their time preparing the Christmas Tree. Lizzie was so happy Burt was here, now Kurt wouldn’t be alone on the Holidays! They all smiled as they looked at the huge tree, it fit perfectly in the apartment, Lizzie almost wanted to have it up all year.

"I couldn’t imagne you guys celebrating Christmas without a real tree." He then looked at Lizzie, “You know, his mom always used to buy the tree. The first Christmas after she died, I forgot to get one until I saw him hanging up her favorite ornmaent on his windowsill. So, we drove out into the snow and got the biggest tree we could find."

Lizzie felt tears coming on as she thought of Kurt’s Christmas Past. She couldn’t imagine going through the holidays without her own mother with her. Just like Kurt's mother, Lizzie's mom was the true spirit of Christmas in the household. Kurt then pointed to her, a joking stern look on his face.

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