Chapter Ten

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This chapter includes a sex scene, nothing graphic though. 

Just a warning!

I Do (Part 2)

Chapter Ten

As the opening notes to 'We've Got Tonite' came through the speakers, and Finn's voice singing the opening, Lizzie couldn't help but feel at home. Hearing his voice made her smile, and she made sure he saw that as she sang the next part, the two of them looking at one another as they sang, hypontized by the other's eyes....and well, everything else.

They were so enticed with one another, they almost forgot they were singing in front of a crowd. A crowd that including all of their old friends. Nick and Rachel slow danced closely with one another, Rachel resting her head on her boyfriend as they swayed. Nick swallowed, going back to what he wanted to ask her. Rachel, able to tell when the boy was nervous, leaned off of him and looked up as the two continued to dance.

"You okay, baby?" She asked, concern in her eyes as she spoke softly.

Nick nodded, "Yeah, I'm great. This-This is the best night of my life." He couldn't stop as he went on. "Rachel, I love you so much."

She smiled. "I love you too."

"I want you my love. In a new way..for us." He looked down at her, her eyes widening as she realized what it was, he then got increasing nervous. "If you're ready..I mean. We can wait-"

"Yes." She answered quickly, her smile growing at the thought of sharing herself with him.

Nick's own eyes widened, a big smile crossing his face. "Really? You're-You're sure, right?"

Rachel couldn't help but giggle at his nervousness, that was the cutest thing about Nick. When he got all tongue tied around her. She put on hand to his face, caressing his cheek.

"I have never been so sure about anything else in my life." She then placed a kiss on his lips. "I'm ready."

Nick kissed her again before pulling her closer to him, putting his chin on her head as they continued to dance. Rachel closed her eyes, feeling at peace as Lizzie and Finn finished the final chorus. Once the song ended and the couple gave their friends the appaulse they deserved, Rachel and Nick soon left the Reception Hall, heading straight to the front desk to get a room key.


"Your voice is amazing. You're amazing."

Lizzie blushed as she and Finn walked off the stage, the two of them still holding hands from the end of the song. She squeezed his hand in respone, a shy smile crossing her features as she looked up at him.

"You're pretty amazing yourself." She then pursed her lips. "Do you...want to go somewhere alone?"

She knew what she wanted, hell she knew what he wanted. It was just one night, no one would care, just like what the song said. It was only between Finn and Lizzie, Lizzie and Finn. She missed the sound of their names together. 

He looked a bit surprised, and excited, over her suggestion, but he looked down at her. "Only if you want to." 

Lizzie grinned before leading him out of the Reception Hall. Finn noticed how she wanted the element of control, it belonged to him upstairs but now Lizzie wanted to take a spin. He was perfectly fine with that.

Once they reached the front desk. and Finn paid for the room, the two made their way to the elevator to head to the third floor. The doors closed, and it seemed as if all the tension was gone in that moment. The two coliided with one another, kissing the other with as much passion as they did that day at the Train Station. Finn held her tightly, his hands on her hips as she tangled her fingers in his hair.

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