Chapter Tweleve

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Chapter Tweleve 

Lizzie could barely speak as she walked out of Examination Room and into the Waiting Room of the clinic. After getting the results back, and listening to the Doctor's lecture, she was finally ready to leave the establishment and prepare herself for whatever was in store for her now.

Once Rachel noticed Lizzie walking into the waiting room, she instantly stood up. Lizzie couldn't have been more grateful to her friend for going with her, going alone would have been even more tense for her. Rachel's eyes went wide with antcipation as she waited for Lizzie to speak. The Jonas let out a relived sigh.

"False alarm." She then let her mouth curl into a smile. "I'm so happy, I'm so glad this is all over with."

Lizzie embraced Rachel in a hug, saying her thanks to the roomate. "Thank you for taking me here today." She let go of Rachel, smiling at her before beginning to walk out the door. "I better get to class."

Rachel cocked her head to the side before turning to face the girl. "Whoa, hey. That's it? Lizzie, you can't just blow past this like nothing ever happened. This is a wake up call, a chance to take a hard look at the choices you're making and where your life is heading."

Lizzie knew what Rachel was saying, Rachel wanted Brody out of the picture. Lizzie would be lying if she said she wasn't thinking of breaking up with Brody throughout this whole ordeal, but, this wasn't high school anymore where you would just break up and deleted his number. Brody lived with her, he was the first person she met in the City. How do you break up with someone who has been with you since the beginning?


"Hon, I'm home!"

Lizzie couldn't help but giggle as Brody's voice echoed throught the loft. "I'm right here, do you really need to announce it?"

She continued to stir the green beans exactly the way Kurt told her to but was soon interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around her frame. She leaned into Brody, smiling as he leaned into her ear to talk.

"I know...I just like the way it sounds." He smiled, kissing her cheek. "Especially after a day at work."

Lizzie froze, her mind going back to Rachel's 'drug-dealer' assumption. The girl, and even Kurt, haven't mentioned much more about the prediction due to Brody's time here, but that didn't mean she had the chance to think about it everytime he left the loft to 'go to work' and then came back tired. 

"Where do you work, by the way?" Lizzie asked, trying to sound casual.

Brody kept his easy grip on her. "Why so curious all of a sudden?"

She shrugged in his arms, trying to appear easy going as he began to silently wonder if she found...something. He kept his composure, but it was almost impossible when she  told him the next fact.

"Well, I found a pager in your jeans and it's not 1989 so...." 

He pursed his lips, but answered just at the right pace. "I'm a cater waiter, babe. The pager is for when they need me...I didn't want to tell you, it's kind of embrassing."

Lizzie felt a weight get lifted off her shoulders as she turned to face him, still in his arms as she placed her hands on his chest.

"You shouldn't be embrassed, Brody. But, I think its time for us to be more opened with one another, don't you?"

He nodded, feeling guiltier by the second. "You're right. I promise to be more open, okay?" Lizzie nodded, silent as he placed a kiss on her lips. "I'm going to hop in the shower. Feel free to join me."

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