Chapter Eleven

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Girls (and Boys) On Film 

Chapter Eleven

Lizzie leaned againtist the window, watching as the snow covered the New York streets below. The news called it the 'Storm of the Decade', which she thought was pretty silly, until their landlord told them that it was almost impossible to get out of the building due to the snow. Fortunatly, she wasn't alone, not only was Rachel and Kurt present, but even Adam, Kurt's 'boyfriend', was stuck inside with them.

Lizzie put a hand on her stomach, looking down at it wondering if the pregenancy test was telling the truth. She knew those sticks could sometimes be faulty, so she tried not to freak out over the positive result, the first thing she was going to do when the streets were clear was to make an appointment at the local clinic to get checked out for real.

She hoped to keep it a secret as long as possible, she didn't want Rachel or Kurt to find out before she was ready, or even worse, Brody. The boy was out late working...wherever he worked. He never really talked about his job much, all Lizzie hoped was that he was out of the cold.

"So, Adam..." Rachel's voice got Lizzie out of her trance. "Where are you from?"

Lizzie turned away from the window and smiled at the three in the kitchen. Adam was behind the stove, stirring a pot of soup while Kurt and Rachel sat at the table, Kurt still laughing at something Adam had said. Lizzie was quite curious herself to find out more about the boy, Kurt wasn't one to give too many details about a guy unless he was Blaine.

"England, right outside Winchester." He responded. 

Rachel then turned to Kurt. "Are you two dating? Because at Mr. Schue's wedding-"Rachel!" 

Lizzie hissed her friend's name as she took the oppturnity to speak up. Kurt gave the Jonas a silent thank you as she slapped his other friend's arm. 

"Sorry that you're stuck with us for the night." Lizzie joked.

Adam laughed. "It's an honor, really. So, what are we going to watch?"

 The loftees decided to have a movie night, and Rachel for once was letting Kurt and even Adam make the choices. As the two boys went over to the DVD shelf, Rachel turned to Lizzie, the girl depositing soup into three bowls. She raised an eyebrow.

"You're not having any?" Rachel asked after Lizzie handed her a bowl.

Lizzie shook her head. "Haven't really had an appetite lately." She gave a small smile.

Rachel could tell something was up with Lizzie. Ever since they got home from Lima, the girl just wasn't right. At first, she assumed it had something to do with Finn, but then she found out the two were getting along again. So, her mind went to one other man; Brody. Rachel liked Brody, he did help her out with her sexy dance moves earlier in the year, but she couldn't help but think something was off. 

"Where's Brody tonight?" Rachel questioned as she helped her carry the remaining bowls to the coffee table in the living room.

"Working. The poor guy is busy tonight." She answered as they put the bowls on the table. 

Rachel nodded, "Where does he work, again?"

"What's with all the questions Rae?" Lizzie asked, trying to hide her annoyance. "Honestly, I have no idea. We don't really talk about that stuff much."

Bingo. Without even knowing it, Lizzie gave Rachel all of the evidence she needed on Brody.


Lizzie shouldn've known that Kurt would pick 'Mouline Rogue', it was one of his favorite musicals ever afterall. But, as she laid her head on his left shoulder and Adam the other, she heard a stray sniffle come out of Kurt as 'Come What May' ended. Lizzie adjusted her blanket, sitting up to her look at her friend.

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