Chapter 6: It Wasn't Me, It Was Him!

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I finished meeting fans so I decided to grab a bite to eat. I took some mini doughnuts out of the cupboard. I ate them one by one. Tyler walked in, sweat dripping of of him.

"Hey baby." He joked.

"Hey." I said throwing my paper away.

"So what's up girlfriend?" He asked.

"Nothing much, might go see Kellin." I said.

"Are you guys like a thing?" He asked.

"No." I said sadly.

"Oh." He sounded suspicious.

"What?" I got up and faced him.

"Nothing.." He said.

"What?" I asked again.

"This." He kissed me. I pushed him away.

"You know I like Kellin." I said. I turned my head and Kellin was watching out the window. I could tell his heart was broken. "See what you do!" I yelled running after Kellin.

"Kellin, wait." I stopped him by All Time Low's bus.

"I thought we had something going on here, but I guess not." He said.

"We do, Tyler came onto me. I like you." I said.

"Doesn't look like it." He mumbled.

"You clearly didn't see me push him away and yell at him." I said.

"No, I ran away in pain. I can't believe you." Kellin just sounded hurt. Why couldn't he see it wasn't my fault?

"I can't believe you," I stated, "yeah I USED to like you! Not anymore. Maybe I would if you could see it's not my fault!" I yelled running into the bus and into my bunk.

My insides felt like they were dying. All of me felt like I was dying. I just want him to see it's not my fault.

Kellin's POV

Was she telling the truth? Was I just too blind to see it? My heart was shattered into a million pieces. I loved her, but she even said it. She doesn't like me anymore. I should just forget about her, but I can't. Not to someone who means the whole universe to you. She was my everything.

I walked sadly into the bus and into my bunk. "Kel?" Vic was the only one who called me that. I ignored him and turned over. Vic opened the curtain to my bunk. "Hey there you are. You wanna come hang out with the rest of us? Even bring Dez." He said.

"No." I said.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Fine." I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Okay, I'll see you later, I guess." He walked out the bus.

Vic's POV

"Hey, where's Dez and Kellin?" Tristen asked me.

"Kellin's curled up in his bunk but I don't know where Dez is." I replied.

"Don't we go to Florida tonight?" Tristen asked.

"Yeah, in a little bit." I looked at the time and it was 7:45.

Dez's POV

I met Alex Gaskarth on the first day of Warped. We became good friends. Maybe he could help me. I pulled myself together and walked out my bus and to his bus door. I knocked 3 times.

Jack answered. He was in his snuggie and slippers. "Dez?" He questioned, "are you okay?" I nodded, drying my eyes.

"Can I just talk to Alex?" I asked.

"Sure." He yelled for Alex and he came outside, shutting the door behind him.

"Hey Dez." He hugged me. "Are you alright?" I shook my head.

"Kellin thinks I kissed Tyler when he kissed me." I said.

"Kellin's an idiot. I know you wouldn't do such a thing." He smiled. "He'll come crawling back."

I looked down. "I hope." I said.

"Aren't we supposed to go to Florida tonight?" Alex asked. I nodded.

"Do you want to stay on my bus for tonight?"

I nodded and looked behind me. I seen Kellin looking at me. I walked in his bus and Alex wrapped his arm around me.

"You can sleep in my bunk." Alex said.

"Thanks." I climbed in it and he laid beside me.

(Taaa daaa! Another chapter. I write a few chapters a night. Around 1-2. Possibly 3. I literally have nothing else to do. Anyway, vote and comment please. Love you all! xoxo)

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