Chapter 14: Weddings and Such

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(Okay sorry I'm skipping so much. I'm running out of inspiration so if anyone wants to request for something to happen then go ahead. :) but message me)

Two months later

I was sitting at a table getting my makeup done by Bayli for my wedding. It was here already. There had to be about 600 people coming.

"Close your eyes." Bayli ordered. I did as she said. My other friend Justine came over to the house to help with my hair.

Tristen would've but she was busy with Isabella. Oh well. "I can't believe you're marrying Kellin." Justine said.

"Me either, who would've ever thought that I would." I said.

"Me," Bayli said. "You guys are perf together."

I smiled. "Thanks Bay." I said.

"Okay, open." I opened my eyes and my makeup was neatly done.

Black and silver eyeshadow covered my eyelids, winged eyeliner was perfectly done, and bright red lips to top it off.

"Put on your dress before I do your hair," Justine ordered. "I don't want it to mess your hair up." I did as she said. My dress wasn't long. It was short but not that short. (A/N: it seems ugly but it's not. I want it to be different than most weddings.)

It was white with black lacing. I walked out of the bathroom and seen Bayli covering her mouth with her hands. "You look beautiful!" She hugged me.

"Only if Tristen were here." She sighed.

"Tristen is here," Tristen walked in. "Look how bootiful my best friend is." She said.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Time for your hair," Justine said. "Or do you want to do it?" She asked Tristen.

"I'll help." She said. They curled my hair and left it down but added a white flower on the side. "Beautiful." Justine said. (A/N: Her name's pronounced like Justeen.)

"Now what time's the wedding?" Bayli asked.

"7." I said, sliding the garter on my thigh. My legs weren't that big. Nothing on me wasn't very big.

"It's 6:50." Tristen said.

"Who's walking you down the isle?" Justine asked.

"Alex." I said.

"Where's your dad?" Justine questioned.

"He died in a mining explosion." I replied.

"No crying." Bayli said.

"I know, I know." I said.

"You better get out there." I told them all. We walked to the backdoor. Our backyard was huge. Very huge. I spotted Kaitlyn. She was out of the hospital!

"Nervous?" Alex said, startling me.

"Yeah." I hooked my arm in his.

"Soon you'll be Mrs. Quinn and not have time for your best friend." Alex said.

"I'll always have time for you, Lex." I said.


Everyone stood up. Justine, Tristen, and Bayli were out there waiting. I took a deep breath. Alex walked me down the isle. Kellin smiled at me the entire time, which just made me smile. We reached the end of the isle and Alex handed me off to Kellin.

"You look beautiful." He whispered.

"Thanks. You look amazing." I said.

"Kellin Quinn Bostwick, do you take Destery Marie Morgan to be your lovely wedded wife?" The man asked.

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