Chapter 3

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After they had finished dinner, Nathan took Maxie by the hand and led her to the couch. While Maxie questioned where Nathan was taking her. Nathan sat Maxie down on the couch and then sat down next to her, he held her hands as he said " I know this is our third year anniversary of when we first met but I want today to also be the anniversary of something else special - you know how much I love you don't you mariah, maximilliana, Maxie jones because I do I am completely and deeply in love with you I fell in love with you when we first met I love you now and I will love you for eternity if you will let me. "

Maxie asked Nathan " where are you going with this Nathan, of course I know you love me, do you know how much I love you because I do I am completely head over heels in love with you Nathan. Three years ago you appeared in my life and you completely changed me but not in a bad way you have changed me for the better and if you would let me I want to be able to love you for eternity too"

While still holding hands Nathan leaned in and kissed Maxie and Maxie happily kissed him back. Then Nathan slowly started to move to the floor in front of Maxie and the sofa while still holding onto her hands even if it was just by the fingertips. He balanced on one knee and he then finally let go of her right hand and was then just holding her left hand in his he placed one of his hands on top of her left hand and the other underneath it. He then said "I love you so so much Maxie I want us to be together forever, when the clock strikes twelve tonight I want us to be able to say that 2016 and 2017 are going to be our years to start a life as mr and mrs west." Maxie heard what Nathan said and quickly questioned what he meant. "Nathan what are you saying mr and mrs west are you asking me to ...." Nathan as quick as he had been interrupted he quickly continued with what he was trying to ask Maxie. " Maxie we have been together nearly two years although I fell In love with you three years ago and I hope you will make me the happiest person on the planet and agree to be my wife. Will you marry me Maxie?" Maxie took in what Nathan had just asked and quickly and excitedly replied with "yes yes yes of course I will Marry you if I could I would travel the country, I'd travel the world marry you in every state and country so we could be legally married all over the world. But first I want to marry you here in port Charles with everyone who is important to us there."

Nathan leaned forward and kissed Maxie so hard she couldn't breath he literally took her breath away. Nathan said" was that a yes i just heard" Nathan leaned forward and began to kiss Maxie again but more passionately this time. When he stopped kissing her he let go of her hand and searched in his suit jacket for a small box that held the perfect present for his perfect dream girl. He opened up the small box and inside it contained a massive shimmering diamond with small elegant crystal stones entwined around the band. When Maxie saw what was in the small jewellery box her eyes glistened over never in her wildest dreams did she ever think she would be feeling this happy right now but that ring just caused her to be enchanted. Nathan took it out of the box and then took hold of maxie's left hand again and slid it onto her fourth finger her engagement finger. It looked like the ring had found its perfect home.

Nathan then said" Do you think you are ready for the champagne right about now, give me two seconds and I'll be right back. Ready to celebrate this happy moment with you" Nathan left the room to go and get the champagne and collected two champagne flutes while he was there. While Nathan was out of the room Maxie admired the ring that Nathan had just placed on her finger, she held her hand out in mid air and smiled she really was so happy.

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