Chapter 2

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Finally at 7:00 maxie returned home to the smell of ribs and mac and cheese. Maxie walked into the living room and looked around she was shocked to find it looking so beautiful, it reminded her of their second New Years together when they were nearly kept apart because of fog. That New Year's Eve meant so much to them both it was their anniversary of them first meeting and it was also a much anticipated second date. Maxie thought back to how when she finally made it back to port Charles, Nathan had flown all the way to Portland to be with her. When we finally thought we were going to be together the universe was keeping them apart. It was a race against the clock to see if they could be together by midnight. Nathan made his way back to port Charles however when I got back from going to pick him up I thought he would of been home by now as he wasn't where he was supposed to be but no there was no sign of Nathan. It was then that I heard a knock on the door thinking what else can go wrong tonight will it be the grim reaper but no as I carefully opened the door I was stunned to find Nathan standing there I quickly jumped into his arms and kissed him like I had never kissed him before and it lasted forever.As I stepped back I asked what he doing standing at my door he replied "it's New Year's Eve where else would I be but at your door".

Maxie shook herself out of her dream of what life had been like that day and shouted for Nathan to see if he was home and where it was that he was right now. Nathan shouted "that he was in the kitchen and that he had a surprise for her so why don't you go and get ready while I finish sorting and setting up dinner."

Maxie went to her room and on the way saw all the romantic aspects scattered around their home. This must be such a special day but more than just their anniversary even though their anniversary was always very special to her anyway. Maxie had a quick shower then got changed into a blue dress that she had just bought while shopping today with lulu. She then sat down and did her make up quickly ready to enjoy this perfect night with the man she loved.

Maxie then walked into the living room and saw the table by the window looked great with candles burning it was then that she saw Nathan. She kissed him quickly then stepped back, Nathan told Maxie that she looked stunningly beautiful and Maxie said "thank you lulu picked it out for me she thought you would like it I'm glad I get to wear it so soon" Nathan then said "it looks perfect on you but I hope you aren't wearing it for too long later night". Maxie then said to Nathan you look gorgeously sexy in your suit. They then kissed each other again then broke apart and Nathan pulled out a chair for Maxie to sit on and then pushed her chair in for her. Nathan placed the ribs, mac and cheese and corn on the table. He then asked if Maxie wanted some wine and they would open the champagne it a little bit hopefully... Maxie said that some wine chosen by a wine connoisseur will be great. Nathan poured some French wine into a glass for Maxie and then poured himself a glass. As he sat down opposite Maxie, Maxie sipped her wine then smiled and said that it was the perfect choice. They then started to plate up their food and began to eat their ribs and mac&cheese.

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