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I'll be her friend, get to know her, and let her slowly fall for me. I can treat her better than Vonna ever will. I can treat her better than Vonna treated me.

Vonna, you better watch out. You turned me into a beast and now I'm hungry for your girl.

"I'm a young rich bitch, I feel like I got sumin to prove..." my alarm rang on my dresser, spilling out an old favorite song of mine from months ago.


"Definitely awake," I mumbled to myself, shutting off the alarm. I stretched out on my bed, my sheets sticky on my skin. Up at two o'clock pm during the summer. It was a pain in the ass but worth it for the check. I already had other means of income beside my measly movie theater job, but it was all worth it for the dream car I possessed.

A Firenze red Jaguar.

I had my own crib, my own shit

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I had my own crib, my own shit. No parents in my hair about girls over or how much I smoke and drink. But the loneliness was something different. There was a reason why I chose emancipation rather than suffering until I was 18. I was job to job for the longest until I found what I was good at. Then my life turned around for the better. For everyone, that might not be the case but not everyone is cut like me.

So here I am, a couple months later, so far yet so close to when everything went down.

When Liberty and I met.

I showered, got dressed, and put on my stupid ass uniform. The only reason why I held this job was because it was the only "official" one on document. Without it, I'd have the law on my ass since I was still 17, even though this wasn't my only actual source of income.

I grabbed my car keys and left out of my one story. I lived in Aster Waters Homes, a middle class little living situation on the nicer side of Aster Waters; not that the town was big enough to have many facets. A few months back, I might have walked the 15-25 minute way to Vonna's house but things were different now.

A lot has changed since I've been to jail and Vonna's moved on from me. It's not the moving on that even bothers me, and quite frankly the jail time was bearable. It's the fact that I know what she's capable of despite how changed Vonna claims to be.

It's only a matter of time before she shows her true colors, and that's a sight Liberty may not be able to witness.

Once I got to work, I parked in the employee area out back and made my dreadful walk inside of the building. Bright lights, the smell of too much butter, uncontrolled kids, and dirty-minded teens already lined up for movies ranging in the scariest to the corniest of them.

"Mavis. This register," my boss called out, standing where the other girl on my shift usually is.

"The broken one?" I complained under my breath. That meant I had to count the cash out myself.

My Girlfriend's Ex (StudxStud)Where stories live. Discover now