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After Beatrix was done with her shower, she got back into the car, a simple outfit on that almost matched mine. "Always tryna be somebody else," I joked.

"Mhm. Whatever," she said, being all sassy.

"My mom's been going on and on about her new store lately. I feel like we never went to the Upper side of town as much as we do now that she has a store there."

"I'm glad that it has grown though. I mean, you wouldn't have wanted for it to just stay online and for her to not feel like her dreams were fulfilled, you know?" Beatrix knew how much getting August Adamant in a physical store meant to my mother. It was a cutesy boutique store, a little bit different than the rest in terms of its interior and personality. Aster Waters, Tx was known for its boutiques and fancy stores. Almost everyone in town owns a store. My girlfriend's mom even owns one too called Carmela Did Dis.

"It just feels like she's getting the store up and off the ground for the sake of me and Ramyn, yes, but she's pouring her everything into it and spending less time with us. I feel like I'm raising my little sister more than she is. There, I said it. Ramyn will go out the house for sleepovers or hanging out with friends or having little events, but it's still stressful when she's there. The kid isn't even eight yet."

"Have you tried to express that?" Beatrix looked over at me. "That like, you're stressed because of the pressure?"

"Yes. I even tried talking to my dad about it too. All he said was that he had too much market analyzing stuff to do at work, so he can't make the time for us just yet and all I have is school. No, all I have is school, a job, stress, and no social life."

"I still think you should come to them and have a bigger conversation." I gave Beatrix a look. "You'll never know if it'll work or not until you try it," she reminded me. "You must not know my parents," I laughed.

I pulled into the parking lot of Tootsie's Arcade. Beatrix immediately started laughing. "You know, I had a little feeling you would bring me here. I love this place, bro." I smiled over at her, picking up the Sonic drink in her cup holder and sucking out the rest of whatever weird combo flavor she had put in there.

"I'm definitely beating you at air hockey. I don't wanna hear shit," Beatrix warned me.

"I don't think you know you're looking at a champion," I flicked my braids over my shoulder dramatically.

"Your girl know you on a date with me?" Beatrix asked, her full lips curving into a grin.

"Funny. Ha. Ha," I rolled my eyes, opening my door and getting out.

"Yeen even give me a chance to come around and open the door for you, mama."

I rolled my eyes again.

"That's that Gemini in you, Beatrix."

"You know what could be in you?"

"You're so dirty minded. Ah, ah. Ion wanna hear it," I held up my hand as we walked towards the building.

I bet a lot of people wonder how Beatrix and me came to be friends. Best friends at that. I mean, she used to date my girlfriend Vonna. They had a very toxic relationship, and Vonna was even abusive at one point. Beatrix went to jail for getting her revenge, and when she came back, she tried to warn me of Vonna's ways. Vonna's a changed woman now though, and I believe that. So where does a blossoming friendship fit into all of that?

It was something gradual.

Beatrix was trying to hit on me from the moment she saw me, and when she found out who I belonged to, that seemed to fuel her desire and interest for me even more. That led to me curving her and settling with us just being friends. I never had the actual intention of being her friend, but life moves in mysterious ways and here we are. If you couldn't tell now...my girlfriend hates that we're cool with each other and this night is finna be a clear representation of that. Buckle up.

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