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10:35 am

wife4life: dude wth happened i didn't catch you at breakfast either
wife4life: i read the messages from last night, did you get yourself and nott in detention?

me: basically, yeah we did get detention, except it was snape who caught us, not slughorn💀

wife4life: dude you're fucked i gather, is that why you skipped breakfast?

me: nah, minnie wanted a word because of the detention i received, yada yada she scolded me, told me to be grateful it was snape who caught us not her
me: grateful my ass, we've got three weekends of detention! theo is gonna be kicked off the quidditch team this way
me: we have to sort snape's slugs or sum, idk at least im gonna be stuck there with theo

wife4life: snape's slugs💀
wife4life: is that why you made the gc and dragged him to the kitchen at 12am?

me: well uh my plan wasn't supposed to go THAT WAY but uh im spending more time with him so yay win addie?

wife4life: damn i still dont get why you havent told him
wife4life: bloody hell i dont get how he hasn't figured it out yet!!! you two are both dumb as rocks

me: stfu rowena ravenclaw you still cant do basic math

wife4life: but i can figure out if someone likes me

me: suuuuure....

wife4life: what's that supposed to mean?

me: um nothing

wife4life: okay adeline clifford, i'll figure that one out on my own

me: good luck with that

wife4life: seriously adds, you've liked his sorry as for 6 years now, school is almost ending, when are you telling him?

me: told you a hundred of times tammy, he aint worth it

wife4life: why do you still like him tho?

me: oop slughorn is gonna catch me, see you at lunch!

adelinedroffilc went offline...

wife4life: such a wuss and you're a gryffindor ma'am...
delivered 10:25

07:09 am

gryffindor babysitter: @asschaser can you please go and tell addie to stfu im trying to study for charms here

nott ur mans: what is addie doing exactly that disturbs your peace of mind so badly?

gryffindor babysitter: she's playing her guitar rather loud rn

nott ur mans: the little fuck didn't tell me about it, guess im breaking into gryffindor tower

slimeyhead: keep your ass wherever you are nott! if you get more detention that makes you skip practice i'll have to kick you off the quidditch team

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