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02:24 pm

wife4life: yo, where you at
wife4life: you skipped lunch again

me: ugh im with theo
me: in my dorm

wife4life: he hasn't left since last night?

me: oh yeah he did, he was stinky af
me: i asked him to hang out again since im kind of still out of it
me: and im too fucked for hw rn

wife4life: you only ask that ass to hang out😤

me: tammy loooove nooo
me: wanna come over?

wife4life: 🙄 so now you ask
wife4life: but yeah

me: yeahshbdbsbdhdndbd
me: ily
me: before i gotta tell you something tho
me: im not sure it happened but for some reason
me: its one of the only things i remember from last night
me: i gotta be quick theo's gonna shove his nose in my phone as soon as he comes out of the bathroom


me: uh oh
me: i think
me: that me and theo
me: made out last night?

wife4life: what
wife4life: WHAT

me: yeah that was my same reaction when i remembered it

wife4life: so you really did???

me: idk!!!!! i asked theo about it as well
me: he said and i quote 'i was drunk asf i don't remember anything'

wife4life: something smells here

me: probably me

wife4life: stfu, how can he not remember anything?
wife4life: hasn't he hooked up while drunk a dozens of times and he still remembered all of them

me: that firewhiskey we got was really strong tho, i didn't know snape liked hard liquor

wife4life: we gonna go on a mission
wife4life: i wanna find out if yall made out
wife4life: which you probably did have you checked for marks???

me: fuck yeah well i did
me: i have some on my collarbone


me: stfu it was just a drunk make out session, probably doesn't mean anything to theo
me: you know he's got all the hoes

wife4life: he's the hoe yeah
wife4life: we're gonna figure this out girl, can't let your love go to waste

me: i lowkey wish he remembered, i lowkey don't, im scared of being rejected, he can have all the girls he wants, why would he want me?
message not sent!

me: he doesn't love me back tammy its okay i got used to it
message not sent!

me: idc come over already
me: bring lunch we're starving

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