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01:12 pm

planthead: oh sweet mother of merlin and helga's pots
planthead: i think my head just cracked open

touchthegrass: maybe a lot of those shots of only firewhiskey weren't such a good idea after all

zambonio: i think theo completely blacked out at some point

ferretboy: he did
ferretboy: i had to drag his sorry ass to the dorms all by myself
ferretboy: traitor

planthead: blaise had to drag me to the hufflepuff common room all by himself too
planthead: i'd guess you're even big time

tammybear: yes you are, malfoy sit down

ferretboy: im sat 🧎🏼‍♂️

greedybirch: enough of this
greedybirch: i feel like one of the mandrakes has been constantly crying in my ears

touchthegrass: should've told abbot that your sorry ass and drink don't mix well

ferretboy: clearly

tammybear: guys
tammybear: why's it so civil in here?

zambonio: well theodore's probably having a blast snoring away

planthead: but where the fuck is the woman of the hour?

greedybirch: ginny doesn't seem to be around either
greedybirch: wait up, someone just knocked
greedybirch: wassup my fav alcoholics

touchthegrass: and that's peace restored

tammybear: addie! r u alright?

greedybirch: absofuckingmazing

ferretboy: look at her inventing words
ferretboy: she seems sober enough

greedybirch: sober and about to save all y'alls dumb asses
greedybirch: ive only had pumpkinjuice last night


touchthegrass: you can't be serious

asschaser: ofc not, she's addie

zambonio: besides the despicable redhead finally showing up
zambonio: really i thought ron was going to hex you into next spring when you gave harry that lapdance

asschaser: jokes on you, and him
asschaser: i have enough information to sabotage him into his next 10 years of his life

ferretboy: impressive

asschaser: thank you, draceykins

ferretboy: i take that back

tammybear: now onto the matter we were discussing
tammybear: really, no alcohol adeline?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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