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tw: slight mention of abuse
descriptive part ahead

theo's pov

01:32 am

nott ur mans removed parkyobroom from the group chat!

me: neeenawww neeenawww🚨🚨🚨
me: everyone who is not drunk attention
me: @planthead @slimeyhead especially you two
me: where's addie

tammybear: what???? what happened??
tammybear: has she gotten drunk and run off?

ferretboy: and why did you remove pansy?

me: she fucked upppp
me: thats why
me: shes the reason addie's run off

slimeyhead: we couldn't find her
slimeyhead: roman even got neville out of bed so we can look for her in gryffindor's tower

planthead: spoiler alert, she's not there

me: fuck
me: i messed up

tammybear: you messed up by taking parkinson as a date in the first place

ferretboy: he lost a bet only us three know about

slimeyhead: wtf why wasn't i informed???

me: because parkinson made it part of the bet, if i lost i had to take her as a date and be real about it
me: if i did tell she threatened me with some meaningless stuff, now she never meant much to me so i thought no one would mind
me: addie didn't seem to mind when i told her about it
me: i couldn't keep the end of my bargain since i always go back to addie
me: it doesn't matter where i am my body just gravitates towards her
me: we were dancing and pansy came and dunk a whole bowl of punch on her
me: and she started screaming that im her boyfriend and shit

ferretboy: i will kill her
ferretboy: give me a min

ferretboy went offline...

tammybear: where are ginny and daph??

planthead: passed out drunk in your dorm

tammybear: fuck im going to go sober them up and then murder them

tammybear went offline...

me: okay blaise, roman please keep looking
me: i maybe know where to go
me: but just in case

slimeyhead: of course dude, we're going

slimeyhead and planthead went offline...

01:50 am

me: addie
me: please addie
me: i know where you are
me: im coming for you
me: im not giving up on you
me: pansy was just saying nonsense
me: please dont do anything stupid
me: its me and you against the world
me: fucking always clifford, until the fucking end
delivered 01:52 am

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