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dumb, dumber and dumbest

me: i feel betrayed
me: theo ditched me
me: for a boys night
me: *screams*

daphs^^: awh poor baby daphs^^: your not boyfriend decided to spend a day without youdaphs^^: and now ur sad

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daphs^^: awh poor baby
daphs^^: your not boyfriend decided to spend a day without you
daphs^^: and now ur sad

me: stfu greengrass
me: touch some grass

daphs^^: will do🙄

tam-tam<3: draco ditched me as well
tam-tam<3: come on soul sister lets cry together

me: i thought we would all celebrate neville's birthday together
me: but because these fuckers decided to have a boys' night
me: let's have a girls' night


daphs^^: sometimes you act like a ravenclaw addie babes
daphs^^: only sometimes though

me: 🙄🙄thanks i guess
me: okay where do we meet up
me: we gotta invite ginny and luna as well

tam-tam<3: we can do it at mines!
tam-tam<3: no parents or annoying older brothers home
tam-tam<3: and its really pretty when walking around town at night
tam-tam<3: we can take walks and buy pastries from the local bakery

me: my mouth is already watering
me: im apparating in a sec
me: also bringing cards against muggles

daphs^^: theo has been dying to play that
daphs^^: hes gonna kill you

me: i know😋
me: i'll deal with the dipshit later
me: fuck i cant find my sunglasses

tam-tam<3: just bring your coat babes

me: girl dont make me leave you dickless

tam-tam<3: says the already dickless one

daphs^^: unless they already...

me: no
me: we already nothing

daphs^^: you think she's lying?

tam-tam<3: considering the fact that they live together
tam-tam<3: there's a high possibility she's lying
tam-tam<3: we can find out tonight tho bring that wine she likes

me: yeah its not like im right here

daphs^^: no addie you're blind

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