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me: anyone know the answer to num 5?

ferretboy: not only you want the hw but now you haven't studied either

me: ive been out of it all weekend draco
me: i promise i wont ever drink again

nott ur mans: you're lying

me: you wound me nott

nott ur mans: you love me all the same

me: i'll love you if you give me the answer to num 5

nott ur mans: i dont know it either

tammybear: you're useless nott

touchthegrass: really useless

parkyobroom: so how about those answers malfoy

ferretboy: you realize that if mcgonagall catches us we're all gonna fail?

me: so? team effort its either all of us or none of us

nott ur mans: yes draco where's the team spirit?

tammybear: he has none

ferretboy: i'll have to agree with lynes for once in my life

tammybear: everyone will be on their knees for me at some point in their lives
tammybear: your time has come malfoy
tammybear: how about that answer and maybe for num 12 as well?😇

ferretboy: i hate you lynes

nott ur mans: you lying piece of shit
nott ur mans: answers?

me: come on guys you can solve yalls sexual tension in the bedroom so uhm like answers please?

planthead: yeah malfoy pretty please?

slimeyhead: nah im sick of it lemme just
slimeyhead sent 2 attachments!

planthead: i could kiss you rn

slimeyhead: holding you to that promise miller

me: blaise ily next hogsmeade trip i'll buy you anything<3

slimeyhead: ayy clifford you make me blush
slimeyhead: ill take you up on that offer

nott ur mans: blaise yknow that bottle of wine you wanted? its yours man

slimeyhead: i have the bestest friends havent i

ferretboy: and you still gave them MY answers

tammybear: stfu malfoy its your fault you didn't want to be a kind soul and give them first
tammybear: we love you blaisie<3

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