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theo's pov

07:30 pm

me: yo malfoy, im supposed to meet some laura chick from hufflepuff in like
me: rn actually
me: can you go find her and tell her i cant go

draceykins: huh, where you at rn?

me: detention with addie

zambini: how can u use your phone with snape there

me: the old fuck went to deal with potter or sum, peeves told him that he and his friends are doing salazar knows what
me: also addie says hi

zambini: hi addie ily smack this idiot's ass for me

me: fuck you zabini she actually did it

zambini: thats my girl<3 you would have skipped quidditch practice to get laid??

draceykins: yeah nott im not moving my ass to cancel on this girl or whatever

me: welp i actually didn't want to fool around with her, she's been stalking me for the last couple of days and i thought id get her off my case

draceykins: why didn't u tell her you have a gf already

me: what gf?

zambini: 🤦🏾 addie ofc

me: wtf guys she's my best friend

draceykins: the best friend you've been drooling over

zambini: nott and clifford are sitting in a tree...

me: what are u, twelve?
me: nah man there's no chance with addie, im in the friendzone

zambini: why is everyone so dumb these days smh
zambini: thank merlin she made that gc, now we can expose your lovesick ass

me: dont you dare zabini imma make you unable to play quidditch for the rest of your life

draceykins: look at him, so defensive, why wouldn't you want her to find out tho, don't think fooling around with stalkers suits you man

zambini: you afraid you'll lose your f boy reputation?

me: im afraid of rejection you asses
message not sent!

me: i wont tell her that i love her bcuz i dont wanna lose her, id rather have her as my best friend than not have her at all
message not sent!

me: ayyy wanna see how my f boy reputation grows? dont need addie man when i can be with anyone i want

zambini: you liar



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