
3.9K 52 6

11:10 pm

me: theodore!!!!
me: bitch answer
seen 11:11

me: you didn't just seen me you ass
me: are you fucking someone rn? at least tell me
seen 11:12

me: then i'll go tell daphne about my devilish plan

nottahoe<3: hold your horses, clifford, i wanna hear about this plan

me: so now you're answering i see, what the bloody hell were you doing?

nottahoe<3: i was shitting

me: forget i ever asked

nottahoe<3: you know i have the memory of a fish

me: anyways, what was i saying? oh yeah
me: i want tamara and draco to fuck.

nottahoe<3: and? pretty sure she wants to fuck him as well

me: only she's too stubborn to admit it so that's where we come in!!! let's make a gc

nottahoe<3: hell yeah addie this is gonna be interesting, don't add idiots tho yk

me: does that mean i don't have to add you?

nottahoe<3: you shouldn't even add yourself at this point

me: meet me in the kitchens later for the big reveal

nottahoe<3: can't you just come to the slytherin common room?

me: will i find food there?

nottahoe<3: the only snack you'll find is me

me: kitchen, nott.


rookie has added: nott ur mans, ferretboy, tammybear, slimeyhead, touchthegrass, parkyobroom, planthead, gryffindor babysitter, asschaser.

rookie has named the group CIRCUS 🎪

12:03 am

ferretboy: what is this clifford?

tammybear: ew why am i in the same group as this ferret

slimeyhead: i think you'll make him cry himself to sleep lynes

ferretboy: fuck off blaise

gryffindor babysitter: addie, you sure you wanted to add me in here?

asschaser: shut up neville ofc she wanted to! where the fuck is addie though

parkyobroom: saw nott leaving the common room a while ago, they're probably fucking somwhere

me: noooow pans, firstly that's disgusting, this shithead has at least 5 sexual illnesses and second welcome everyone!
me: shut up clifford you've never fucked anyone in your life
me: that was just theo, took my phone, i'll give him the ass beating later

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