
936 20 1

12:34 am

girlbossweasle: oi, mum's asking if you've got any allergies going
girlbossweasle: its like she's meting my s/o for the first time its a nightmare
girlbossweasle: she might faint if you dont tell me soon

me: oof your mum is a sweetheart!😭
me: tell mrs. weasley i'm all good, can eat anything as long as it fits into my stomach

girlbossweasle: can i guess anything else that could fit-

me: respectfully shut the fuck up gin
me: unless you want your birthday present to be a black eye

girlbossweasle: 🤺
girlbossweasle: calm down hippo

me: thats what i thought

girlbossweasle: also whats with the text from theo
girlbossweasle: he not coming any longer?

me: no, he says sorry and sends his regards, love and charm
me: the last one is for ur mum
me: he got caught up with his stuff
me: blaise is helping
me: and because draco was not
me: *draco voice* invited
me: he's helping as well

girlbossweasle: you know its not my fault yo long lost cousin
girlbossweasle: yada yada
girlbossweasle: cant come

me: nah tammy is in charge of that stuff

girlbossweasle: gurl💀
girlbossweasle: she's reading over my shoulder

me: ah shit i better
me: yeah i better
me: 💨

girlbossweasle: she'll wait until you get here
girlbossweasle: in the meantime
girlbossweasle: do remember that harry organized this party
girlbossweasle: with mum
girlbossweasle: and they both hate
girlbossweasle: draco's fam

me: yeah man he'll stop throwing tantrums like a toddler

girlbossweasle: thats what tammy said as well

me: see
me: my soulmate n i are always right

girlbossweasle: she aint reading over my shoulder no more
girlbossweasle: you can sugar coat it no longer

me: damn!
me: i'll guess i'll have to sway her off her feet n everything🙄

girlbossweasle: part two of you stealing your cousin's gf
girlbossweasle: well come on n do it quicker!

me: im trying im trying
me: nev hasn't picked up a good tie yet
me: says he gotta impress hannah at all costs
me: he's torturing me like i have any idea what fashion is😭😭

girlbossweasle: poor you
girlbossweasle: tell the fucker to hurry the f up
girlbossweasle: his date is here
girlbossweasle: and fred n george are being menaces to society

me: i told him
me: he's panicking now

girlbossweasle: get him here
girlbossweasle: rn

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