
798 12 3

03:45 pm

wife4life: girl where r u
wife4life: theo's freaking out
wife4life: IM freaking out
wife4life: he's gonna spam you soon if you don't answer

me: oh
me: im in minnie's office

wife4life: wait why
wife4life: what did you do?

me: uh oh
me: lots

wife4life: adeline clifford
wife4life: explain

me: i got into a fight with
me: daphne's sister and parkinson

wife4life: dude what the heck
wife4life: how'd you get caught

me: seems like minnie just has an alarm going off for whenever i cause trouble

wife4life: ma'am we're barely two days in
wife4life: and you've already got detention

me: yeah
me: i got it on thursday and saturday
me: so the party is still good
me: but you know i don't like when astoria greengrass thinks she's all superior
me: she thinks draco's gonna take her to the party
me: and insulted you
me: and i was already angry because of snape and his bullshit

wife4life: oh addie...
wife4life: you know you shouldn't let them get under your skin

me: i know
me: but they insulted theo and you both
me: i couldn't just stand by

wife4life: he's already waiting for you outside mcgonagall's office

me: i know
me: i can hear him fidgeting
me: and pacing

wife4life: he'd kill them for you if he could

me: and i'd die for him

wife4life: gryffindor-slytherin excelence
wife4life: don't let pansy get under your skin
wife4life: luna's trying to help her change her mindset

me: and that's healthy?
me: i visited ginny last night and luna was crying in her bathroom thinking i couldn't hear her
me: our little angel is being hurt
me: she can't keep going like this
me: some people are capable of change
me: and some people DON'T want to change
me: now guess which type of person pansy is

wife4life: i know adds
wife4life: i wish we could help luna
wife4life: but she's in love
wife4life: love makes us do wonderful and terrible things

me: it still isn't healthy
me: ginny promised she'd talk to her
me: we have to take her to a girls' night soon

wife4life: good idea!
wife4life: daphs will be thrilled

me: good
me: wait minnie's coming back ugh
me: she even scolded theo for pacing so much😭😭
me: ill see you later babes

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