It's Time

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I take a deep breath as the bell chimes from the speaker above me. Five minutes to eight. First period's about to begin, but I won't be attending today. Today school is a ruse. A cover. Today I learn about myself.

I jump slightly, as a small warm hand clasps into mine. Renesmee. I fall into step with her as we stride toward her car. She opens my door and I slide into the seat, reaching for the seatbelt. My door shuts before hers opens on the other side. My seatbelt clicks into place and I feel her kind eyes on me. My knee bounces as I try to quell the nerves inside of me.

"Are you sure about this, Scarlett?"

I let out a half-crazed laugh. An almost identical question to the one Seth gave me last night.

I couldn't possibly verbalize how ready I was for this moment. But the words that fell from my mouth screamed uncertainty. "I-... I'm sure."

I felt her tentative gaze. But she doesn't push me any further. The engine gives a quiet thrum and we make our way out of the parking lot.

"Alright then. Let's do this."


There is no light. No wind. I pace back and forth in the handmade prison beneath the earth. The wolves and the Cullens have been working in rotation to guard the nomad. There are no bars to hold him here, only the promise of a painful death if he makes a move on any of us. A promise I'll be more than happy to keep if he tries anything today. The wolves, the Cullens, we all have the same mission. Scarlett's safety. She is my priority, and I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

I stand at the entrance of the caved room where the nomad is being held. Jasper is his warden today, manipulating his emotions into a submissive state as much as he can. But the creature is strong, he fights through Jasper's control. The only thing stopping him from escaping is our numbers. The odds are stacked against him. He won't chance an escape attempt now. Edward and Jacob stand in front of me. Creating a barrier between myself and the room, illuminated for Scarlett's sake by a single post light.

"Scarlett will stand where you are now." Edward speaks quickly, scoping the layout of the cave. "Jacob and I will stand right here while Jasper, Emmett and yourself stand guard inside of the cave. Alice and Rosalie will be standing behind her, ready to grab her and carry her to Carlisle and Esme in the Mercedes. Bella and Renesmee will be waiting for them in a safe location."

I nod my head as Jake begins to rattle off pack information.

"Embry and Gabriel will be waiting there with them. The rest of us are posted all around the entrance." Jacob's voice softened in reassurance. "We're ready to tear this thing apart, Seth."

The creature lets out a huff and my body begins to tremor.

Jasper emits a low growl in warning.

"The girls are approaching the entrance." Alice calls out.

"Great." I mutter, as I rip my shirt over my head. "Let's do this."

Edward and Jacob turn to face the nomad. Rosalie and Alice turn to retrieve Scarlett from the entrance. I strip and let the tremors overtake me. I'm a wolf in the next second and I feel the creature's eyes lock onto me. It's a tight space for my large frame but thanks to Emmett's "modifications" to the cave the previous night, there's enough space for me to move quickly and comfortably. Jake collects my clothes and tosses them toward the exit. I take my position lying down in the middle of the small space. On one side of me is the nomad, Emmett and Jasper, on the other side, Edward and Jacob. And behind them, slowly approaching, is my beautiful Scarlett. She walks with one hand in Alice's and the other in Rosalie's. They guide her toward the entrance before they stop. Too close to Edward and Jacob. Too close to this sinister creature.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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