Reason and Passion

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"What in god's name has gotten into you." Sam's voice boomed through the receiver.


"We raised you better than this, Scarlett. Do you know how worried Jenna has been? I'm pretty sure she's got a search team of the neighborhood moms hunting you down by now."

"I'm so sorry, Dad. Seth surprised me after school with roses and riddles, and a little scavenger hunt that ended with a walk on the beach. I just-" I squeezed Seth's hand forcing the lies through my lips. "got caught up in the romance of it all, time got away from me. I'm so sorry, Sam."

"I'm going to call your mother off. You tell that boy I want you home by 10 o'clock. You hear me, young lady. We all need to have a long talk. Seth included." Sam hung up the phone and my heart dropped to my stomach.

"I've never heard him that angry." I mumble, giving the cellphone back to Seth.

"There goes their approval." Seth sighed, but I could hear his warm smile in words. His hands encased my waist when I didn't smile back. "It's going to be okay, Scarlett."

"No. It's not. I've never lied to them before, not like this. I mean," I sighed resting against the wall. "Jenna, I tell her everything. How am I supposed to hide this from her? She's going to know something's wrong. She always does."

"You're their daughter, and an exceptional one at that. Which means they should trust your judgement, and respect your decision to keep certain things from them. But you're also becoming your own woman, Scarlett. That means they don't get to demand answers from you. You are in charge of what you tell them and what you keep private. You are in control, Scarlett."

And then I broke. My hand covered my mouth as the silent sobs poured from my chest.

"Scarlett, baby." Seth guided me to a soft suede couch and pulled me tight against his body. The Cullens were bustling about down stairs, cleaning up the kitchen and packaging the food in Tupperware for Seth and myself. I wasn't sure what room we were in. But it smelled clean and sterilized , like a hospital.

I steadied my sobs to small gasps. "Sam and Jenna are more than just parents to me, Seth." I rested my head against him. "Do you know the percentage of kids who get adopted in the U.S every year?" The words came out in a raspy whisper.

"I do not." Seth answered, stroking my hair.

"Two." I breathed. "Two percent of kids are adopted every year, Seth. The statistics for kids over the age of 3 are even lower... and if you're special needs..."

Seth's hand paused at the crown of my scalp, before he turned to kiss my forehead.

"Statistically, I shouldn't have even made it to Jenna and Sam. They were looking to adopt a toddler. I happened to be in the courtyard. Waiting for an instructor that never showed up, and crying my eyes out because I couldn't read those stupid, outdated braille books they gave me."

"Oh, Scarlett," Seth soothed, curling his arms around me. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I can't imagine how hard it was for you."

"Don't be sorry. I was lucky." I sniffled as I sat upright, trying to regain my composure. "Sam and Jenna were there. They sat right next to me and held me as I cried. People I didn't even know had shown me more kindness than I'd ever experienced. They're still showing me that kindness. Which is why I can't be that girl that runs off and forgets about her worried parents. They deserve so much more than that. Anything that I can do to... lessen the burden-"

"Woah," Seth gently gripped my chin between his thumb and forefinger and pulled my face to his.  "You are not a burden, Scarlett Dupree." His voice was stern, steely almost. "I don't ever want to hear you talk that way about yourself again. Jenna and Sam are just as lucky as you are." His last words were whispered. "You're such a blessing, Scarlett."

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