Gym Class Heroes

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The misty breeze coats my skin. I exhale, entranced by the teeny droplets. With my head slightly tilted back, I take another deep breath.

"Scarlett Dupree?!"

I snap out of the relaxed state. "Yes! Me, um... here."

The sound of laughing-coughs and chuckles make my cheeks flush. Coach Wheeler's voice drips with sarcasm.

"Good to know you're still alive. Lincoln!"


The rest of the names are called for roll and Coach Wheeler explains that today is a "simple" day.

"Six laps around the track. Three walking, two jogging, and one running. You can do them in any order you choose, after that you are free to leave. Go."

He sounds as enthusiastic as we feel. Before I can follow the steady thump of running shoes hitting the asphalt, I hear him call my name along with some other guy.

"Dupree! Jensen!"

I turn back to the sound of his voice, hearing heavy footsteps trot towards him.

"Yeah, Coach?" Asks a deep voice.

"Jensen, you could finish these laps in five minutes flat, correct?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Great, let's see how fast you can do it with a partner."

My jaw drops. He did not just buddy me up with a guy who could clearly outrun everyone on the track. A guy who's obviously some kind of super athlete, a guy who's likely a jock!

"Coach Wheeler, really I don't need a partner. I know what a track feels like under my feet. I'm not going to get hurt, and I'm perfectly capable of-"

"Okay fine, Dupree. Get off of your soapbox and get running."

As I turned, the infuriating man utters two simple words that make my blood boil.

"Trail her."

My anger died down two laps later and I was near the point of exhaustion. The track was a lot bigger than I'd expected, but I'd kept a steady pace.

I'm positive that "Jensen" didn't even come close to breaking a sweat. He made his feelings about my slow, or simply slow-by-comparison, pace known by yawning every so often.

I slowed to a walk and he leisurely strolled beside me.Other than his constant sighs of exasperation, his breathing was completely normal.

"You don't have to watch me you know?" I gasped through panting breaths "I'm a big girl. I can walk on my own."

"Good. Because I'm bored. And as soon as we're behind the soundboard and out of coach's view, I'm going to leave you."

Good to know he and I were on the same page.

"He probably won't even notice." Jensen added. "Or care." 

True to his word, Jensen started up his run right at the curve of the track. Chuckling 'Don't run into anything.' as he sprinted away.

I let the mist relax me once more. Despite my tenuous effort to keep up with the rest of the class. I was the last one on the track. Of course it didn't help that I was the only student in this particular gym class that wasn't in a school sport. The rest of the students in the class were on the track team, the basketball team, the cheer squad, or the swim team. You'd think I would at least be able to beat the water jockeys.

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